1 v 1 Battles Part 3 - Chapter 28

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Third Pov

Mina and Aoyama stood at separate ends of the battle field. The tension thickened as Aoyama put on a confident front. He raised his hands and put them on the back of his head, sizing up his opponent. In reality though, his stomach was in knots. It almost felt like one of his stomachaches from quirk overuse, but he knew it wasn't. Mina, on the other hand, was as cool as a cucumber. She had a plan and was almost certain she could execute it. Midnight dropped the flag, and Mina made the first move.

Mina's Pov

I moved foward, using acid on the bottom of my feet to help me go faster. I glided across the ground and dodged Aoyama's belly button laser. I jumped to the right, dodging his laser before advancing towards him. I flung acid off of my hands, aiming for the gear that wrapped around Aoyama's stomach. The acid hit and the glass started melting away. He sent off another shot, looking like he was in a lot of pain. I moved forward to punch him, but before I could swing, he dropped to the ground, clutching his stomach tightly. "You win." He said, and Midnight grabbed the microphone. "Mina Ashido wins!"

Deku's Pov

I yawn, trying to cover my mouth and hide it. But, to my disappointment, Uraraka noticed. "Are you tired Deku?" She asked. I nodded before adding, "And bored." She looked at me like I was insane, "It's the sports festival. How could you be bored.?" I sighed. "So far, the ending of each match has been expected. Mina was obviously gonna win because of Aoyama's drawback. They're both long range fighters, but Mina can be close range as well, unlike Aoyama. In the end, Aoyama isn't skilled enough to beat Mina." Right as I said that, Aoyama walked back into our class booth. He seemed really down and looked up at me. "Ouch," was all he said before he sat down. I sighed and looked back towards the arena.

Momo's Pov

I walked out into the arena to face my opponent. Tokoyami stared back at me. How am I gonna defeat him? Well, I know that Dark Shadow isn't as strong in the day, so I need to make something that produces at lot of light. "Go!" I heard Midnight shout. Dark Shadow moved towards me fast. On instinct, I created a shield. Dark Shadow collided with it and pushed me back. Tokoyami sent Dark Shadow on a repeated barrage of attacks, forcing me back, little by little. Then, he just stopped. I looked up confused until I looked at me feet. A small white line stood in front of my toes. Midnight had a surprised look on her face before she shook it off and enthusiastically yelled in the microphone. "Tokoyami wins!"

Deku's pov

My annoyance shot up with Tokoyami's win. I had predicted it. Momo was too focused on defense to even think about offense. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around in fury. "Yoayarozu, why didn't you fight back?" I questioned, keeping my voice even. "Well, I didn't think I was gonna win anyway." She said. My anger flared and I exploded. "What do you have to fear! You got into UA on recommendations. That doesn't happen for everyone. You've been fortunate to be blessed with an awesome quirk and gifted mind. Use it! You're all so goddamn predictable. Predictable, predictable, predictable! It's maddening!" I moved forward, getting closer to Momo's face. "If you aren't gonna give it your best, don't step on the goddamn field. You don't get do-overs in real life, so be thankful for them while they last. If you were fighting a villain, you would be dead right now." As I said that, my left hand came across my face. I glared at Momo through the space in between my ring finger and my pinky, my palm completely covering my left eye. An insane smile spread across my face as I shook from anger. "Get your head out of your ass and live up to our expectations, recommendation student." I said, dropping my hand and stepping around Momo to look at Tokoyami. "And you. If you were gonna win by that long of a shot, couldn't you have made it a bit more interesting." I said, gesturing to Momo. "She doesn't have a single scratch on her." He turned his head to the side and looked at me out of the corner of his eyes. "I didn't want to hurt her." He said, cheeks flushing a bit at his awkward confession. I let out a frustrated screech, startling a few people around me. "Predictable!" I yelled, leaving the sitting area.

Bakugo's Pov

Surprised was an understatement. I hadn't seen the nerd get mad before. I looked around us and realized that I wasn't the only one. Uraraka and Iida were starting wide-eyed and jaws dropped. Momo and Tokoyami looked stunned, as well as most of the rest of 1-A. I saw people who sat close to our seating area glancing over in curiosity and concern. "Well, that wasn't manly." Kirishima said before I looked over at him in surprise. "Aren't you next? Why are you still here?" Kirishima made a noise of realization and sprinted out of the seating area. I chuckled at him and turned my attention back to the arena.

Kirishima's Pov

After me and my opponent got on stage, I glanced towards him. I gasped in surprise as he did the same. He's the guy from the obstacle course. The one who survived the robots. So manly. Midnight shouted start and we collided in a flurry on punches.

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