Nezu - Chapter 45

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I watched the exams with interest, watching everyone's strategies. Currently, I was watching Todoroki and Kacchan go against All Might. Since neither of them knew All Might's weakness, they weren't faring so well. The fact that they didn't get along didn't help. I stumbled across All Might changing forms after classes one day, so he had to tell me what was going on. Though, he isn't my concern anyway. I watched the screen as Todoroki sprinted towards the exit, creating ice wall after ice wall. All Might broke through almost instantly, but I could tell he was running out of steam. The extra weight on him had shortened his time, and his time was running low. Nezu, who had been watching the match, looked a little panicked. I just smiled. "You know, don't you?" He asked me. I wiped the smile off of my face and turned to him, looking confused. "Know what?" I asked. Nezu mumbled something and walked away. "What did he want? Do you know the principal well, Midoriya?" Asked a familiar voice. I turned to my partner and shook my head. The bright blond in front of me looked confused. Then he just shrugged his shoulders. I was about to turn my attention back to the board when the speakers came on. "Next up, Izuku Midoriya and Denki Kaminari against Nezu." A wide grin spread across my face and I grabbed Kaminari's wrist. "Let's go."

There I stood, inside the arena with Kaminari at my side, waiting for the exam to start. The buzzer sounded, and I heard a large crash. A wave of falling metal rushed towards us. We were in the training ground that was like a factory. We dodged the metal that was about to fall on top of us, only to see another wave. I sighed before grabbing Kaminari and throwing him over my shoulder. He made a squeaky noise before squirming around, trying to escape. "Stop moving. I'm going to climb a building." I said. Metal came crashing towards me, and I dodged with Kaminari on my back. I grabbed onto a window ledge and started climbing. Everytime I went higher, I felt Kaminari's grip tighten. When I hit the roof of the building, Kaminari planted his feet on the ground. He was hugging me from behind, face in my back. "Uh... Kaminari?" I said. "Oh, yeah." He said, letting go of his death grip. A dark blush spread across his cheeks as he looked at me. His eyes seemed to scan my body, focusing especially on my arms. I turned away and ignored his stare. "Kaminari." I said, snapping him out of his daze. "Let's look for Nezu." Kaminari steeled his expression and nodded. Nezu had to be close enough to see us. Otherwise, he would risk squishing and killing us. Knowing his personality and smarts, as well as the rules, he would keep the gate that was farthest away from us open. We wouldn't get there before time ran out. So, onto option 2. We capture the principal. I spotted a yellow crane with a wrecking ball on it and immediately knew that Nezu was there. I pointed to it and Kaminari and I started heading over.

The crane became more defined the more it came into view. I knew Nezu could see us approaching because he kept hitting down pipes that would break the pipes above or below us. Perks of being an animal, I guess. Better sight sure is useful for targeting enemies. I immediately started missing Cancer when I thought that. While I had added her to my suit, I had accidentally broken her in hero training one day. I fixed her up, but decided Cancer should be used for my Shinigami persona only. I had meant to build another set of goggles similar to her for my hero work, but I forgot. Finally, the crane was close enough that I could see all the detail in it. I walked a little closer to the crane and the wrecking ball swung at my side. My eyes widened and I quickly jumped out of the way. The wrecking ball hit a pipe to the right of me and debris flew on top of me. Kaminari stood to the side, stunned by the scene in front of him. I dodged the wrecking ball again and looked up. Nezu's watching.

I slowly approached the crane, dodging the wrecking ball on the way. Finally, finally, I was at the door. Nezu couldn't maneuver the crane so the wrecking ball would fly at me without it risking himself as well. All I could do was watch Nezu drop out of the crane and assume a fighting stance. I got into a fighting stance as well, waiting for him to make a move. He moved fast and jabbed a pressure point. I collapsed to the ground, the place on my leg throbbing from his force.

Nezu's Pov

I turned to the next student, doing the same as I did to the first one. That should keep them down until time ends. I turned towards the crane preparing to hop back into the vehicle when my path was blocked. He's... up? Izuku Midoriya blocked my way. I shrugged and got back into a fighting stance and jabbed at the same pressure point. Suddenly, I felt my hand get slapped. He blocked. I went after a pressure point in his neck this time, and he passed out. I was just about to step over him when he stood up. I went for him again, and he blocked. Go down. Go down. Just go down! I hit another pressure pressure point and he fell. He got up almost immediately after. This cycle repeated over and over. Stay down! I started to panic. Over the course of the fight, I had gotten many flashes of my time as an experiment. Needles, white lab coats, human hands. All of those things scared me less than this boy. I had hit several pressure points and he still hasn't gone down for good. It was terrifying. I hit another one and he temporarily fell. The only way to get him down... was to kill him. My gaze zoned in on the area where his heart should be. I'll need to break his rib cage and pierce his heart in one move. Got it! This speed... this angle... Now! I shoved a finger into his chest area and heard several cracks. he looked stunned, and I realized I had killed a student.

Deku's Pov

Pain blossomed in my chest. I looked down, shocked. I was thinking it was over before I saw what happened. He had landed a 1/2 inch above my heart. I smirked and my aura darkened. "Nice try.' I said, drawing his attention. "But unfortunately," I said, raising my hand, "You missed." Nezu's eyes widened in surprise at my statement. I grabbed Nezu's finger and ripped it out of my chest. I then grabbed his throat. He's a threat. I have to eliminate him. I squeezed his throat. Nezu's eyes widened in surprise. "This isn't the first time you've killed someone, is it?" I ignored him, too focused on killing him to answer the question. He regretted wasting that air because he couldn't get it back.

I heard a muffled voice around me, but I was too focused on the task at hand to pay the person much mind. Suddenly, the buzzer went off. We... won? I looked to Nezu, who was purple in the face, and let go of his neck. Nezu took a deep breath in and passed out. I looked to Nezu's hands and saw the capture weapon was on his wrist. Who... I looked around and saw Kaminari staring at me.


I am so sorry, guys. I just realized, after months of posting chapter 46, that I forgot to post chapter 45. It's fixed now, sorry if that confused any of you.

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