Cavalry Battles Chapter - 25

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I was flying. For a few seconds, the world was peaceful. Then, I started to approach the ground and my life flashed before my eyes. Todoroki and Kacchan dove out of the way, not wanting every bone in their bodies broken. The metal sheet neared the ground and I launched off of it. My hands touched the ground and I pushed up, flipping my body upright. Not losing the momentum I had gained, I ran. I entered a tunnel and passed the finish line. Immediately afterwords, Present Mic announced my arrival, along with Kacchan's and Todoroki's.

I looked towards the huge screens in the middle of the arena. It was showing clips of me in the race. One clip showed the tunnel, another showed me picking up the metal. My favorite clips were, by far, me running on the ropes with my hands thrown behind my back to keep me balanced, and the clip of my soaring through the air. Next, it showed clips of Kacchan and Todoroki. They stayed neck and neck throughout the race, making the clips have both of them in it. The first clip showed Todoroki throwing ice behind him as he exited the tunnel. The next showed Kacchan soaring above the robot. The next clips consisted of both of them fighting to stay in first. Before I could watch Todoroki's splendid ice bridge and Kacchan flying, a throat cleared behind me. I turned around and saw Todoroki. He extended his hand like he wanted me to shake it, so I did. "I'll beat you next time." He said. I nodded, and turned to Kacchan. He was practically growling from the loss. I patted him on the back and went to stand in front of the stage.

Finally, everyone had gotten back from the obstacle course. We were long passed the first 40 that would advance and I was getting bored. When all 40 students gathered in front of the stage, Midnight took the microphone. "That was exciting, wasn't it?" She said, squirming. "Well, onto the second round. Spin the wheel." The electronic wheel on the screen behind her spun. "The second round of this sport's fest is a cavalry battle. There will be 10 teams of 4. Every student has a point value that is based on their placement in the previous round. First place is worth 1 million points, and you can find any of the other point values on the board behind me." Everybody's eyes were on me. In this event, the ones at the top were at a disadvantage. I sighed and looked around for people who would willingly join my team. Shindo and Kacchan were looking my way, as well as Uraraka. Shinso's quirk won't be very useful unless he sat on top. Me, being physically strong, I could work with that. I turned to Kacchan. His quirk will be good for movement, as well as Uraraka's. Uraraka could make everyone lighter, making our team fast on our feet. She can also lift Toshi out of the way of attackers.

"Okay everyone, make your teams." I moved towards Shinso first. "Join me?" I asked. He shrugged and nodded, following behind me as I went to ask the others. After Kacchan and Uraraka agreed, I started explaining my plan. "Kacchan, I want you to be the left rear. Based on how the arena is laid out, we'll need to make a lot of sharp right turns. You'll also be handy when it comes to dodging and defense. Uraraka, I want you on the opposite side. We'll need you to make the whole team lighter so we'll be faster on our feet. Also, we might need you to reduce the gravity on Toshi at times." She nodded and pointed at Toshi and I. "What will you guys be doing?" I pointed at Shinso. "He'll be on our shoulders since his quirk isn't fit for movement. I'll be in the front." Uraraka stared at me like I had grown a second head, but before she could say anything, a loud buzzing spread through the area. "Alright everyone, times up. If you don't have 4 members on your team, come here." When everyone had a team of 4, Midnight let us get into position. "Toshi, if you need to use your quirk on me, I'll allow it." I said, knowing my brother would never do anything to compromise the task. He nodded and the buzzer went off. I looked around. We were already surrounded.

We darted to the left quickly, avoiding another team trying to snatch our head band. I used my legs to try and disable the other team's front runners, trying to defend my teammates. Kacchan blasted another team and Toshi quickly grabbed their headband. We had a big lead on every other team here, making us a big target. Kacchan and Uraraka had switched sides some time after the buzzer, but I couldn't tell when. Kacchan was now playing offence and defense, not bothering with any unnecessary movement. Uraraka had to lift Shinso up with her quirk several times, forcing him to dodge a hand. I sighed and made a quick decision. "Kacchan, Uraraka, prepare to lift us all in the air. This'll knock our opponents off guard and give us a chance to move to a less crowded part of the arena." They nodded and Kacchan faced his palms toward the ground. Uraraka tapped our shoulders again and Kacchan shot us upwards. We held onto each other tightly, not giving one of us the chance to fly away. While we were in the air, Kacchan used his quirk to maneuver us towards the less populated side of the stadium. My feet touched the ground again and I turned to face my opponents.

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