The Start of Training Camp - Chapter 47

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My alarm woke me up for the second time in the past 12 hours. I turned it off, getting the sudden urge to smash the device into the wall. I yawned, got out of bed, and got dressed. I had had a little trouble falling back asleep after following that hero into the brothel, but I had still gotten more sleep than I usually get. After finishing getting ready, I headed downstairs. I was going to make some pancakes, since I had made some blueberry syrup recently and we had strawberries in the fridge, but someone beat me to it. They weren't pancakes, but fresh muffins sat on the stove. "Morning." Said a person in the corner of the room. I expected papa to be up since there was food, but dad sat in a chair reading. "Where's papa?" I asked. Dad gestured to their room. I looked at him, surprised. "Why are you awake and papa isn't?" I asked, suspicious. He looked up at me, looking about as tired as he usually does. "We have to leave this morning. Now eat." I nodded and grabbed some muffins.

I was on a bus, sitting near my friends. It had been an hour since we left the school, and I was watching the cars pass outside. I was so bored. Long car rides weren't really my thing, as I really couldn't do anything. Maybe I could make a missile station that I can control with Cancer like that one in the movie. But I don't think I would accidentally try to blow up the bus. Man, that was a great movie. I think it was called Spiderman: Homecoming. (In case any of you were wondering, E.D.I.T.H was my inspiration for Cancer.) I thought out what parts I would need to make a missile station. My plans were interrupted by the sudden stopping of the bus. "Come on, everybody. Let's stretch our legs." Dad said. Immediately, my guard was up. Something's wrong. I grabbed Kacchan and Todoroki, who were walking towards the exit, and looked at Shinso.  He looked just as skeptical as I did. "I think it's better if we stay here." They looked at me curiously, but nodded anyway. "Guys, lets go. Off the bus." Dad said. I shook my head. "I think I'll stay." I said. I glanced around me wearily, taking in every detail that might be off. "I knew you were gonna do this, so I had a special bus made." Dad said, grabbing something out of his pocket. An entire side of the bus opened up when he pressed a button. Suddenly, I was being pushed forward by a wall. My eyes widened and I turned towards my dad, who was now outside the bus. The bus stopped moving and I dropped to the ground outside, followed by my friends.  My guard heightened and two heroes appeared out of nowhere. One of them looked at me in surprise. I recognized her. She was Pixiebob, one of four members of the hero team called the Wild, Wild, Pussycats. The member next to her, one of her group mates, was called Mandalay. "He seems on guard. Do you think he knows?" Pixiebob whispered to her companion. Ah, so something is going to happen.

The two heroes introduced themselves to the group. I put on my school persona and geeked out over the heroes, adding information onto their introduction. Though I am technically a hero geek because I store all of the information I learn in my head, my school persona just requires me to speak it out loud. Pixiebob didn't like me stating her age and attempted to hit me. I easily dodged, which seemed to surprise her. Even though I was happily smiling, my guard did not drop. "Okay kids." Mandalay said, "You see that building over there?" She pointed at a building in the middle of the forest. "That's the training camp. Your goal is to get to the training camp. Hurry though, lunch is served at noon and if you don't get to the training camp by then, you'll miss it." After Mandalay said that, Pixie bob laid her hands on the ground. The ground became like waves, moving up and down and throwing children off of the cliff we had parked on. The cliff wasn't high enough to severely injure anyone, and the bushes below broke our fall. "Oh yeah!" Mandalay called out. "This is private property, so feel free to use your quirks." With that said, a golem rushed out of the tree line.

I smashed another golem's head in with my foot. "These things are never-ending. They just keep coming." I looked over to Todoroki, who was freezing more golems. "Hey, do you know how far away from the training camp we are?" He just shook his head and I sighed. "Well..." I said, talking to myself and looking up. Could just climb some trees... I grabbed onto the lowest tree branch of the tallest tree I could find and pulled myself up. As I was about to grab the next branch, a golem came barreling towards me. I just looked up, staring at it like it was stupid. When it was in range, I threw a spear-like stick as hard as I could, straight into its head. The golem quickly crumbled and multiple people looked up at me in surprise. "What?" I asked. The people turned away. The class had decided to stay together and fight off the golems in teams. It was probably a good idea to stay in groups, but I couldn't help feel like I could've been out of the forest by now. I climbed the tree quickly and sighed in relief about how close we were to the camp. I genuinely smiled and then fell backwards. I caught the tree branches that could support my weight on my way down, slowing my descent.

I exited the treeline, tired from all of the golems and the running. The rest of my classmates followed closely behind. I was tired, but the rest of the class looked exhausted. "Wow, they really did a number on you." I said to my classmates. They looked up at me in surprise. "You were running at a constant pace for hours while fighting the most golems out of everyone. How have you not dropped?" Mina said dramatically. "I'm used to it." I said. The few who knew about my vigilante work nodded their heads while the rest looked like they thought Aizawa had given me information of the training camp. Right as I thought his name, Aizawa came out of the building in front of us. Following close behind him was Pixiebob and Mandalay. Dad saw the class' condition and looked on in disbelief. He took one look at Shinso and he strided over to support his weight. Shinso had just about collapsed. We had been running and fighting for hours now and the sun had almost set. As the rest of my classmates collapsed behind me, I looked around. I saw a boy standing off to the side. He looked like an elementary student, probably 2nd or 3rd grade. I walked over to him and offered my hand. "My name's Izuku Midoriya. What's yours?" I asked. He raised his foot like he was going to swing and a million different scenarios ran through my head. His foot inched closer to my crotch with every passing millisecond and one thought filled my head. Dodge. So, I did. I backed up just in time to dodge the kick to my genitals. I grabbed the kid's foot and forced it to the ground. "That's dangerous, kid. You shouldn't play around like that." I was a little angry, so I glared. What's his problem. All I did was introduce myself. Todoroki stepped behind me and grabbed my shoulder. "He's just a kid." He whispered. I turned around to see a worried Shinso and Kacchan, and a very stressed dad. "I know, that's why I didn't break his leg." I said back. "Anyway, I'm going inside. You, what's your name?" I asked the kid. He had black hair and a red hat with silver spikes coming out of the front of it. It made him look sorta like a triceratops. If you count his nose, he had three horns. "K-K-Kota." He stammered. "Be careful, Kota. Someone might break your legs for that little stunt you pulled earlier." he nodded vigorously at my words and I went back to walking inside. I could smell food, and I was hungry. I was just about to walk in when I stopped. A chill went down my spine. Someone's watching us.

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