Flashbacks - Chapter 20

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Deku's Pov

I had just gotten back from playing with Kacchan, so I was in a good mood. I walked through the door and headed to my room. My mom usually only fed me once a day and I had already eaten breakfast. I walked up the stairs as quietly as I could, trying not to alert mom of my presence. I snuck upstairs, about to open my bedroom door and disappear for the night when Mom's door burst open. "Get out! Get out now! I'm tired of seeing your quirkless ass, just get out! Get out and don't ever come back!" I ran for the front door, Mom hot on my heels as she chased me downstairs. I stopped for only a moment to open the door and she grabbed me. As she picked me up, I could smell the alcohol on her breath. She yanked the door open and literally threw me outside. As soon as I left her arms the door slammed shut behind me. I hit the ground and made a loud, "Oomph." Sliding forward on the ground, my exposed skin got more scratched up then it had been.

-One week later-

My stomach growled as I took one more step. I hadn't eaten in days and I guessed I had another 48 hours before I died of hunger. That was only if exhaustion didn't kill me first. I chuckled humorlessly. I'm gonna die. That's a funny thought. I never imagined I would die like this. I wonder, will Kacchan miss me? I took one more step and fell forward, passing out on the spot.

I woke up. That was amazing all by itself. I took in my surroundings, not familiar with the bleak, dark blue walls. I was laying on a bed that had springs sticking out of it. I didn't care though. It was better than my one at home. I sat up, and my stomach growled. I went to move off of the bed when I heard a beeping noise. I looked beside me to see a heart monitor and an IV drip in my arm. Yanking out the needle that probably gave me the nutrients to survive, I stumbled towards the door. Before I could get to it however, it burst open, revealing a raven haired preteen with scars under his eyes and a big one that spread from the top of his bottom lip all the way to the tips of his ears. On the scar lines, where the scarred tissue and healthy tissue met, he had thick, metal stitches. It almost looked like the entire bottom half of his face was kept together with the stitches. I shivered when he spoke. "You're awake. Good. Time to start training."

I walked with the raven haired male, following behind him. We walked into a large, relatively empty room and walked over to a light blue haired male. The two older males looked around the same age, so the light blue haired male was probably in his preteens as well. "Dabi, he's awake?" The other male asked, scratching his neck until his nails dug in far enough to draw blood. Dabi, the raven haired male who brought me here, nodded. "Shigaraki, I think you both need to eat. He's been living off of the nutrients from and IV drip for 3 days and you didn't eat breakfast." Shigaraki huffed, wrinkling his already wrinkled face even more. "Fine, we'll eat and then train." He left the room, coming back 10 minutes later with a plate of spaghetti. He handed it to me, and I sat on the floor. I went to grab a fork when Shigaraki stopped me. "Eat without using your hands." I looked at the older kid in confusion. "What am I supposed to eat with?" Shigaraki huffed and pointed to his mouth. I stared at him in confusion, until it clicked. I let out a small, "Oh," before basically face planting in my food, the sound of the two children giggling in the background.

Training started. It was brutal. Instead of trying to teach me a specific fighting style, Shigaraki and Dabi took turns beating me to a pulp. I had learned that, even though they were around 14, they both had impeccable control over their quirks. Shigaraki had a quirk called decay. Anything he touches with all five fingers decays almost instantly. Dabi's quirk is called cremation. His high temperature blue flames turns most things into ash. How long depends on the material. My skin, for example, takes a single touch. I learned that the hard way. Blood seeped out of the multiple wounds on my body, the skin that used to be there either cremated or decayed away. "Get up." Shigaraki said, kicking me in the stomach. I was sent flying back a few inches and coughed up blood. I tried to push myself off of the ground. My arms, littered with wounds, gave out and I face planted to the ground. Shigaraki and Dabi continued to abuse me as I laid on the ground, my body growing numb to the pain.

-The next day-

My body was sore and full of open wounds. I tried to sit up and I felt a sharp pain in my sides and stomach. I looked to my right and the time read 8:32. I tried rolling over, and I fell off the bed. I winced and coughed, trying to move my body off of the floor. I heard the door open and I turned my head, wide eyed and scared. At the door stood Dabi, a plate of food in his hands. I army crawled to a corner and heaved myself up, squishing into a corner as much as possible. He sighed, walked to the middle of the room, placed down the plate, and walked towards the door. Before he completely stepped out, he turned to look at me. He spoke, and I flinched. "You should eat. It'll help you recover and you have training later." My eyes widened some more at the sound of training

-6 years later-

I sighed, heaving myself out of bed and walking towards the dresser. I pulled out medical supplies and redressed my wounds. I didn't have training today, only because the league's leader said that if they didn't let me take a break, I would die soon. Honestly, I preferred training than just sitting here. Around my fourth year here, I finally beat Shigaraki and Dabi in a 2 on 1 battle. After I had beat them 10 times in a row, they moved up opponents. I was no longer facing people, I was facing Nomu.

Shigaraki slammed my door open, and I sighed. He slammed my food on the floor. Shigaraki was childish by nature, meaning he hated losing. Having lost to me multiple times, he hated me. Suddenly, he smiled. "Master noticed that you've killed too may Nomu, so, to preserve our numbers, we're gonna put you in a different type of training." I looked at him, waiting. "And it starts today." He grabbed my wrist with all but one finger and dragged me out of my room.

I sat in a room, skin cut and hanging from my body. Whip marks sprawled across my back, knife marks dragged up my arms and body, and missing patches of skin covered my entire body. Hatred burned in my eyes as Dabi, Shigaraki, and a newer member named Toga left the room. My new training had begun. The training... of torture resistance.

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