The Exams - Chapter 44

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Merry Christmas Eve!! Guys, I really need to start writing in my notebook more often because we have 4 chapters until we are all caught up.


Deku's Pov

It had been 2 weeks since my last sighting of the woman who gave birth to me, and I was bored. I was sitting in class, working on my written exams, so I was bored. I had pretty much completed the exam everyone else was working on, so I had nothing to do. I was so bored. I laid my head on my desk and sighed. Did I mention I was bored? I sighed again. I glanced out of the window, looking at the school grounds. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up to someone stepping beside me. Since I fell asleep facing away from the person, I could not see their face. In a tired stupor, and entirely on instinct, I grabbed the sharpened pencil off of my desk. Before the person could blink or even think of dodging, the point of my pencil was at their neck. I saw the person swallow, afraid, then I looked at their face. I looked at the pencil in my hand, dropped it, and chuckled nervously. I heard the whispers around me, asking why I did what I did, and how it wasn't like me. Then, I heard laughter. I looked to the source of the laughter and saw Shinso with tears in his eyes. Shinso drew everyone's attention. His large, dark eye bags were still there, and his hair was still a mess, but he looked genuinely happy. "I told you not to wake him." He said after he calmed down a bit. He wiped the tears out of his eyes. He wiped the tears out of of his eyes, then looked at me. "It's lunch time." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the classroom. Kacchan lagged behind, following us both to the cafeteria.

I forked another bit of food into my mouth and sighed. "I'm so bored..." The others looked at me and sighed too. "It can't be helped, it's finals week." Shinso said, looking like he was about to face-plant into his food and sleep. I ate my food, having quiet conversations with Shinso, Todoroki and Kacchan. Suddenly, a throat cleared behind me. I looked behind me to see Motomu. "Hi Midoriya. I was wondering if we could talk." He said, shyly. I shrugged my shoulders. "You're in luck. I was bored. What do you want to talk about?" He looked to my friends and then back to me. "It's about Shinigami."

My eyes scanned the older boy in front of me. "Are you going to ask questions?" He nodded and then looked at the other 2 boys with me. "This is Shinso, the purple haired boy you saw me with yesterday. This is Katsuki Bakugo. What do you need?" I asked. "U-um... I talked to Todoroki and Iida yesterday about Shinigami, but they told me they couldn't say anything without your permission. Also, I looked for who 'Kacchan' is, but no one would tell me who that was either." I looked at Kacchan and almost burst out laughing. His face darkened, and when he looked me, I broke. A genuine laugh echoed the walls of the cafeteria, causing me to draw attention. I wheezed and banged my fist against the table at the look on Kacchan's face. "Kacchan, don't give me that look." I said, wiping the tears from my eyes. Motomu looked at me before shifting his eyes to my blond companion. His eyes widened. "You're Kacchan? Katsuki Bakugo? The kid I asked about Shinigami and you just told me to fuck off? Jeez, since Kacchan was such a cute nickname, I was expecting it to be a nice girl, maybe pretty." This statement made me laugh some more.

I was walking out of the classroom, tired from the exams. "Hey Kacchan?" I said, gaining his attention. He had been walking pretty close to me, so I didn't have to talk that loud. "Do you want to get your hair cut with me?" I asked. He looked at me confused. "...Why?" He asked. I pointed to my hair with a duh look on my face. "My hair's grown out so much that if I pull down my bangs, they go past my chin." He nodded at my statement. "Maybe after exams." I nodded at his confirmation and started walking home again.

I burst into the classroom, super excited about today's exam. We had hero class exams today, which meant no more sitting in a classroom doing nothing. I sat in my desk, watching the clock. Slowly, people started filing into the classroom. I was still dazed out, staring at the clock, when a hand waved in front of my face. I forced myself to blink and looked up a Uraraka. "Hey Deku, what are you staring at?" I saw Kacchan tense at her use of my nickname. "Checking the time." I responded. "That's not checking the time, that's watching the time." I nodded at her statement. "Watching the time." I corrected. She laughed and we talked until class started.

Finally, I was standing in front of the arena. The teachers had decided to split us up into groups of two, where we would face off against the very teachers who taught us. Before the finals, Aizawa had told us about a summer training camp that we would not be able to go to if we failed, so I suspect that everyone would try their best. The teachers we are facing have a half of their body weight, supplied by weights they have to wear around their wrists and ankles, added to their body. This will slow them down a lot. Also, to make the exam possible, an exit has to be open at all times. The goal was for one team member to escape, or to capture the teacher. I was paired off with Kaminari, and we were going against... "...with Nezu." My eyes widened as I heard the name of the teacher. I'm going against the principal. I looked around and realized that everyone was looking at me and Kaminari with pity. They all think we're gonna fail, huh. "Come on, Kaminari. Let's come up with a plan."

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