Deku's Kidnapping - Chapter 50

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Kacchan's POV

I was mad at myself. I was mad at everyone. I was hurt. I was confused. I sunk to the ground, trying to sort out my feelings. I was sat on my knees, thinking, but not really thinking at the same time. My mind felt numb. I stared at where the portal was, shocked. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked at the hand and then the face of the person that hand belonged to. Todoroki was staring at the place where the portal was, looking more dead than usual. My anger exploded. "GET OFF ME!" I shouted, throwing his hand off by moving my shoulder. I looked back at the place where the portal was. "Stupid fucking shitty ass nerd got caught!" I said loudly, whipping around to the others and dragging Todoroki with me while I walked towards them. "Are you okay?" Todoroki whispered towards me. My anger dissipated when I remembered multiple times Deku had asked me the same question. I remembered walking across a fallen log that ran over a stream a few feet below it. I fell in, and hit the rocks at the bottom pretty hard. I was wet and bleeding from the scrapes in my palms. There were four other kids, including Deku, and he was the only one to ask me if I was okay. He walked his quirkless ass down into the stream to offer his hand to help me up. I remembered his child-like voice asking me the same question Todoroki had asked me seconds ago. My voice sounded choked when I spoke. "I almost had him." I looked up to the sky and shed a single tear.

Deku's POV

I woke up feeling extremely groggy. I tried sitting up on my bed, but my body wouldn't let me. I rolled my head to the side trying to think about when I went to sleep, but then I saw the "bed" I was laying on. It was a metal table. My panic rose as I saw something brown out of the corner of my eye. Straps. I couldn't sit up, not because my body wouldn't respond, but because I was strapped down. I attempted to calm my breathing and looked up towards the ceiling. There was a dim light that sat over my head, but a dim light was better than no light. I looked around the room and laughed. It was the same room I was tortured in. Panic set in more. When I was last here, the light was usually off, so I had forgotten what it looked like until I saw it again. I heard the door creak. I looked over to see a girl poking her head through the door. She gasped and started blushing as she looked at me. "Shigaraki," she called "He's awake." Her voice grated against my skull. It was high pitched, and the squeal she added to the end of her sentence didn't help. Shigaraki? I thought, confused. Then I remembered yesterday's events. The LOV had caught me. Shigaraki walked in and I glared. "Well, would you look at that glare." He said. He smiled creepily, but you couldn't really see it with the hand on his face. "Welcome back. I had thought you looked familiar. I didn't recognize you because you're missing the burnt, disintegrated, and torn patches of skin." He said teasingly. If I could've used my hands, his neck would be broken. I glared fiercely for a couple of seconds before he started talking again. "Well, I thought you would like to know that we are using you for experimentation." His voice deepened, which with his childish voice just sounded off. The door creaked open again, as it had been shut after blondie left, and a man in a white lab coat walked in. "Get to work." Shigaraki said before leaving.

I was in and out of consciousness for the next week, or that's what it felt like. The doctor in the white robe, or "the coat" as I called him, prodded me with needles, injecting stuff and drawing blood. Most times, the thing he injected me with was painful. Pain ripped through my body almost immediately after the needles broke my skin. It felt like I was burning alive, or I had bugs crawling under my skin, or I was gonna die from frostbite. Several painful sensations all at once, and always, without fail, The Coat drew my blood. They were testing for something inside my body. At some point, I had just gotten so used to the constant pain that I stopped screaming. I started being able to focus on stuff around me as The Coat worked.

Like usual, the door cracked open and I saw The Coat. He came in with his needles and almost immediately got to work. I winced at the wave of pain, but I could talk, so I did. I had seen The Coat often enough, so why not get to know him. "I'm starting to think your quirk is the ability to nullify pain." He muttered under his breath. I chuckled and said, "nope, that's just aquired after years of torture." His face darkened a bit before going indifferent. He stood next to me for about 2 minutes before leaving again. He'd be back in about 3 hours. He always was. I stared at the ceiling, waiting for my next encounter. After what felt like days of singing to myself to keep sane, The Coat walked in. He picked up an empty syringe. He drew my blood, put it in a vial, put the vial into a machine, started it, and then left. No interaction with me at all, except drawing my blood. I stared at the ceiling, and the machine beeped. I looked over, confused. The machine never beeped before. I tried to look at the machine, bending my neck at odd angles. Finally, the screen was in my sight. Positive. Whatever they were testing for, they had found it. There was a smaller word above positive. I tried looking closer, squinting my eyes to read it. Quirk. Quirk positive. That's what the screen said. "Those injections. They were quirks?" I asked out loud. "Those idiots, giving their enemy a quirk."

I stared at the ceiling, stretching my sore muscles. Then, I flexed my fingers, trying to do something. I had been doing this for hours, attempting to find out what my quirk was. I was getting very frustrated with it, because I had been powerless my entire life. I wanted to do something, to move, to escape, just something. I was tired of laying down, being tied down. I sighed and yanked on my restraints. My frustration grew as I yanked on the restraints. My wrists began hurting due to the material rubbing them raw. I screamed and yanked extra hard, causing my wrists to bleed a bit. After that, I felt empty. To calm myself down, I held my breath. I don't know why, but when I hold my breath, I calm down. Maybe it's because of the lack of oxygen going to my brain. When I held my breath, I felt the air around my mouth move. Suddenly, I could feel every single gas particle in the air. I felt the nitrogen, the oxygen, and many more gases. I could separate them, bind them, move them. I would make the LOV afraid of me, torture them, just as they had to me. I smiled at the thought and practiced moving air in and out of my lungs. They gave me a quirk, and I was gonna use it. I would train it, just to use their "gift" against them. I heard a loud bang and the door swung open. The Coat walked into the room and shut the door hastily. He walked quickly over to me, panicking. He undid my restraints and ushered me out of the bed. He took me down a long hallway and towards a door. We passed a room, and I looked inside. Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, and the rest of the league were caught in the chain prison of Kamui Woods. All Might stood in a hole in the wall. I only caught a quick glimpse of the room, but when I looked, the villains had started coughing up some dark grey goop. I smile to myself. I'll be seeing you soon, LOV.


I have good or bad news, depending how you look at it. The next chapter is the last, and it was kinda rushed, so don't judge please. But yes, Shinigami is coming to an end after two long years of uploading this. I honestly don't know how I feel about ending this story, because I wrote it in a notebook before I started uploading, and I finished the notebook a while ago. This was the first ever book that I actually posted, and also the first ever book with multiple chapters that I ever finished. In a way, I feel like uploading my book to a platform for others to read helped push me to actually finish this story because I didn't want to disappoint you guys by stopping it half way. If you have followed this story for this long, thank you for sticking with it and for enjoying my story. It means a lot to me, especially when you guys vote on my story. When I first started writing this story, I only expected a couple of views, and a few thousand and a few hundred votes later, I am ending the story. I appreciate your guys' support, and I hope you enjoy the final chapter. Maybe after this, I will start publishing other stories, but this will always be special, because it will always be my first completed story.

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