The Sports Festival - Chapter 24

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Deku's Pov

The sports festival started in a few hours, and I think that my classmates picked up on my shifted mood. I went on patrol the night before, but that didn't completely get rid of my antsy feelings. I fidgeted in the waiting room, wanting to get moving. I think Uraraka and Iida mistook my eagerness for nerves, because they came over to distract me. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, genuinely smiling, to see Todoroki. "I won't let you get ahead of me. I'll beat you." I smiled wider and looked Todoroki up and down. "Okay." I said, shocking everyone listening. "But to do that, you'll have to use your full power. So don't hold back, okay?" This statement made everyone's jaws drop. I moved back to my friends and caught Kacchan seething out of the corner of my eye.

Finally, we were moving. I practically ran outside when they announced our class, much to Iida's dismay. Cheers erupted in the stadium when we exited, and we stood in a line waiting for the other classes. When everyone was in the arena, I was called onto stage. "Now we'll hear from the student who got the highest score on the entrance exam. Please welcome the student who got an 100 on the written exams and scored over 300 in the practicals, Izuku Midoriya." Midnight gestured to me and when I was on stage, she passed me the microphone.

I started with a deep breath. "These next four years will become the most important to our careers. Whether you are general studies, support course, or hero course, your time here at UA is crucial. That is why it is of the upmost importance that you give it your all today. Showcase your potential to different agencies around Japan. You may only have one chance to get someone's attention, so do your best to grasp that opportunity before it leaves you behind." Cheers erupted again as I stepped off stage, and Midnight stepped up again.

"Okay, let's get this thing started." Midnight said as a map appeared on the screen behind her. "First up is an obstacle course that goes around the entire school." She explained a little more before a loud, startling buzz ran through the stadium, starting the race.

The first obstacle was the doorway. Everyone huddled together, pushing each other to try to get to the front. I was standing back, watching this with a sigh. "Sorry about this." I said to the person in front of me. They turned around with a confused look, but before they could say anything, I climbed onto his shoulders and jumped forward. I quickly made my way to the front of the pack via people's shoulders. I saw a few try to copy me, but they fell. Finally, I was away from all the people and I breathed. My relief didn't last long though, because Todoroki was in front of me. He threw a wave of ice behind him, freezing a few people in place. Jumping to avoid the wave, I ran forward, following behind him.

We neared the next obstacle and I laughed. Robots. Todoroki ran through it's legs and attacked it. He froze it while it was falling and cleared the obstacle. I stopped, and the students behind me stopped as well. We all stared up at the robot, waiting for the inevitable. Kacchan, being the impatient person he is, used his quirk to soar above the falling robot. The noise the robot made when it hit the ground sounded like a thunder clap. People muttered around me and I realized that someone had been trapped under the bot. As I reached to try and move it a bit, I heard a loud pounding. After a few more loud bangs, two heads popped out of the robot's body. "Anyone other than me would've died!" They both said at the same time. The two boys looked towards each other and blinked. I hopped on top of the mangled metal and pulled Kirishima out of the robot. I looked over to the other male and extended my hand. "Here, Tetsutetsu." I said. He looked over at me and scanned me. "Have we... met?" He asked. I shook my head and flexed my fingers. He put his hand in mine, and I pulled him up. Then, I turned to face the barrage of robots in front of me.

Everyone had pretty much completely wrecked the robots. Trying to use their quirks to get ahead, they didn't really pay attention to their surroundings. I walked passed a few people caught in debris and pulled them out. I looked at a piece of what used to be the robot's shield and grabbed it. It was going to slow me down, but I had a gut feeling I was going to need it. I ran, quickly catching up with Todoroki and Kacchan. As I neared them, I heard Kacchan say, "Your declaration of war was to the wrong person." I was hot on the front runners' heels now, moving quickly. We neared the next obstacle which was basically tight rope walking. I smiled and launched myself onto Todoroki's back. He slowed down, confused. I pulled myself onto Todoroki's shoulders and launched myself forward. He fell over as Kacchan watched in confusion. I flew through the air, catching the first rope while I fell into the abyss below. My momentum swung me around and I landed safely on the rope. I didn't break stride as I ran across the ropes. Todoroki and Kacchan quickly caught up, Kacchan using his quirk to fly above the obstacle and Todoroki making an ice path. After he was all the way across, he melted the path, making sure he didn't help anyone.

I neared what I thought to be the last obstacle and stopped at the entrance. Minefield. I walked over to a mine and purposely stepped on it. It had enough power to burn a little, but not enough power for what I needed to do. I smiled and started digging up mines with my robot shield, getting a few strange looks from people passing by.

Finally, I had gathered enough mines. I looked around and saw my brother staring at me. i waved at him, and innocent smile on my face, and dove onto the bombs. Toshi's eyes widened and I felt the impact of the explosion through the metal underneath me.

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