1 V 1 Battles Part 2 - Chapter 27

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Deku's Pov

I approached my seat and sat down. Everyone looked at me in surprise. I glanced at Uraraka confused and she sighed. "Did you let him take control of you on purpose?" I nodded. "You based your entire plan on the chance that you might step in a tiny ditch and trip? Why even let him take control anyway?" I turned to see the rest of the class, including Shinso, listening in on our conversation. I sighed. "Toshi doesn't get enough credit for how amazing his quirk is. I also knew that if he didn't get to show it off, the agencies watching wouldn't even give him a second glance." Uraraka blinked, then broke out into a symphony of, "Aww." Shinso had a large smile on his face, and I knew my explanation was worth it.

Todoroki's Pov

I was walking towards the prep room when I was suddenly yanked aside. "Sorry young master, but your dad told me to remind you that you know what to do." I looked at my driver and glared, I made my way to the prep rooms, mad that my dad thinks he had any control of me while he was in jail.

I walked out onto the battle ground, livid. Who does he think he is? That bitch! I vaguely heard Midnight shout go and sent off a large wave of ice. "Um, don't you think this is a bit overkill?" I snapped back to reality at the sound of my opponent's voice and looked up at him. My shoulders relaxed as I looked at Sero apologetically. "Sorry Sero. I'll help." Midnight turned to look at Sero, raising the microphone to her mouth. "Tell the truth, Sero. Can you move?" Sero looked at her like she was insane before he let out a squeaky, "Uh, no?" I helped melt the ice around Sero while the others got the ice that covered the audience.

Deku's Pov

After the 30 minutes it took to clean up the ice, the fights got started again. Next up was Kaminari, who was fighting a girl named Ibari from 1-B. Her quirk had something to do with her hair. It's plant-like and could grow and contract when she wanted it to. I sighed, already knowing the outcome of this fight. "Kaminari's quirk isn't gonna be of much use, and he hasn't practiced without it. Ibari's gonna win." I said, mumbling to myself. "You really have that little faith in Dunce Face, huh." My head snapped to the side at the sound of Kacchan's voice. I shook my head. "My assessment has nothing to do with faith. I just stated the facts. Kaminari's gonna lose this fight." Kacchan chuckled and shook his head, turning his attention to the ring as the fighters walked out.

Kaminari's Pov

Ibari. I had never known she existed until now, but standing on the other side of the ring, I felt happy. She's cute. I got into a fighting position as Midnight started the match. I wonder what her- My thought was cut off as I saw her hair burrow into the ground. I moved forward, trying not to fall victim to her attack. I shot electricity from my right hand, aiming at her face. She quickly blocked my attack with her hair, nullifying it's effect. Suddenly, her hair burst out of the ground, trapping my limbs and spiked digging into my flesh. In a last ditch effort to survive the match, I released all the electricity I had. My brain became cloudy, and my thumbs went up. "He hehe." I said as I rocked back and forth.

Deku's Pov

I sighed, disappointed that Kaminari would fry his brain on live television. "Oh well." I said. I gave Kacchan a smug look. "Told you." He glared at me and huffed. I glanced at the next fighters, and their names caught my attention. Iida was going up against Mei Hatsume, a support course student. In a tournament dominated by heroes, just making it to the final round was impressive. Iida could surely win if they fought in hand to hand combat, but something tells me that Hatsume didn't care about winning. I stayed alert and watched the battle with interest.

Iida's Pov

"Hey, I've got something you can wear to help with maneuvering." My opponent, Mei Hatsume, said. She had long pink hair that was held out of her face with the goggles she wore on her head. Her irises and pupils were separated in four parts which was odd, but I just assumed it had something to do with her quirk. "And... you're just gonna give it to me?" I asked. She smiled widely. "For our battle, yup." I shrugged and nodded. She handed me a jet pack like device and helped me put it on.

"Iida, no support items for the hero course students." I go to speak, but before I could get a word in, Hatsume spoke up. "I'm lending it to him." Midnight just nodded and started the fight. I ran towards Hatsume, but before I could reach her, the device on my back forced me to make a sharp turn to the left. I reach for her again. The device forced me to take another sharp turn, and Hatsume started explaining the device. I tuned her out and tried to focus on getting the device off, but as I reached for the buckle, I was shot into the air. I screamed in surprised and my newly healed ribs throbbed. I inhaled sharply as I started being jerked around in the air. When my feet his the ground again, she pulled out a bunch of other items. I mentally prepared myself.

Finally, after what felt like hours of being jerked, pushed, pulled, and crushed in many different ways, Hatsume stepped out of the ring. I collapsed to the ground, my limbs sore and aching. "Iida wins!" Midnight shouted through the microphone, making me cover my ears. I peeled myself off of the floor and walked to the exit of the arena. When I reached my chair, I flopped down.


I just finished a BakuDeku oneshot that I have been working on for a couple of weeks. It's really long, but I really like how it turned out. It's a deaf Deku, so if that sounds like something you are interested in, feel free to check it out!

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