The Winner - Chapter 34

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Deku's Pov

Kacchan's breathing and bleeding was heavy. I moved forward and Kacchan fired an explosion at my face. I sighed and ran at Kacchan. I got close and went to throw a punch when I felt a hand on my shoulder. My eyes widened in surprise as Kacchan fired an explosion. Burns spread all the way down my back, stopping at my pant line. The cloth on my back burned away. I punched Kacchan, and he punched back, using his explosion to gain momentum. I stumbled backwards a few steps, my shoulder numb from his punch. Regaining my balance, I threw an uppercut towards Kacchan's jaw. It connected and Kacchan sprawled backwards. He landed on his stomach, face in the floor. His arms shook wildly. He rushed towards me, trying to punch my stomach, but he was slow. The damage he had taken was too great. I dodged easily and hit him in the side. Again, he stumbled. I took the advantage and swung my fist hard at his jaw.

Kacchan laid on the ground, not moving an inch. I nudged him and he flopped back to his position, unconscious. Midnight announced my win, ending the sports festival. I drop to my knees, exhausted from today's activities. I looked up towards the sky, only for the television to catch my eye. It was me. The camera was pointed at me. In the TV, I could see all of my wounds. I had multiple bruises already forming and almost all of the back of my shirt was gone. My burns were very visible, and my eye was puffy and dark from an elbow I took to it. I looked to my class' seating area and waved at Uraraka, noticing Iida's absence immediately. I gave a questioning look to Uraraka, but she just smiled. I finally got up off of the floor, body aching like crazy. I hobbled to Recovery Girl's office.

I grabbed the burn cream that I had used earlier and applied it to every area of the burn I could reach. The burn cream sent a cooling sensation across my burn, making it a little bit more tolerable. I changed into an extra uniform and walked back to my class. While I was walking, my stomach rumbled. I stopped at a food vendor and used the card that I stole from Aizawa to get me and Toshi some food. I handed him his snacks and he looked at me confused. "Where'd you get the money?" He asked. I just showed him the card and he busted out laughing. I smile slightly, eyes softening a bit. Toshi's laughter had caught the attention of some others. I looked towards a certain blond and saw a small blush spread across his cheeks. Kaminari caught me looking and quickly looked away, blushing some more. "Anyway," I said to Toshi, "I need to return this and get a lecture about stealing." I started walking out of the area before I stopped. "Oh, and," I said, turning to Shinso and dropping my voice, "if anything happens to my food, I will kill you." Toshi swallowed and nodded, hoarding my food with his. He knew I wouldn't kill him, but he wasn't so sure about our classmates.

I walked into the announcer's booth and threw Aizawa's credit card into his lap. He looked up from drinking his coffee, glanced down, and checked to see if the microphones were off. "What did you do with it?" He asked calmly. "I bought food." I answered. "And how much did you spend?" he asked. I chuckled. "50 bucks." He choked on his coffee that he had been taking a sip of and stared at me. "When did you even take it?" I chuckled again. "Before we left the house." This time, he choked on his spit. "How did I not notice?" I shrugged and laughed at his reaction. "Anyway, don't do it again. If you had asked to borrow it and told me the reason you needed it, I would have given it to you. You'll be working off the $50 you spent with extra chores." I nodded and went to go to my seat, only to be called out into the arena. I stood on the podium that was a bit higher than the others and looked out to the crowd. Cheers flowed through the stadium like thunder. I looked over at Bakugo, who was awake now, and saw him wrapped in chains. He glared and growled at me while I smiled and waved. He growled louder and All Might approached him. Taking the muzzle off of him, which was preventing him from speaking, All Might tried to put the medal over Kacchan's head. Kacchan moved out of the way as much as he could. All Might congratulated Kacchan and did a little speech. Kacchan turned to me, completely ignoring All Might. "I'll get first next time. Just you wait! I'll do so well that I'll leave your ass in the dust!" I chuckled and smiled brightly. "You've got a long way to go before you can beat me at my best. Is it worth putting your body through all that strain?" Everyone around me looked at me in surprise.

All Might shoved Kacchan's medal into Kacchan's mouth and then posed with him for a picture. Finally, All Might reached me. He looked a little unsettled to be near me. He said his congratulations, did his speech, and posed with me, positioning himself further away than he did with the others. I plastered a huge smile on my face and held the medal proudly. A picture was snapped, and the ceremony was over. Now, the only thing left to do was head home.

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