Chapter 33: Crazy Town

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Angel and Marcy were sitting on the couch, watching some stupid Gravity Falls TV. From a narrator standpoint, I'd say that they really need to get Netflix or something. But anyway. The two Ooolanders were just chillin' on the couch, when Marcy blinks, looking around, "Hm. I wonder where Saige is..."

Saige's POV:

Aaaaaaaaand I'm falling.

This is not how I expected my oh-so-casual day to go.

By the way, I'm not screaming. I should be. But I'm not. I'm one of those weird people that gets really chatty in awkward situations and then really quiet in dangerous situations - or at least, potentially dangerous situations.

I hate heights, as we've established, so roller coasters aren't exactly my thing. The last time I rode one, I just gripped the bars really tight and stared straight ahead with a blank expression on my face, and when I got off, I immediately threw up.

I have that same feeling of deathly terror right now, but the difference here is that I'm not going to get off this ride alive.

So I close my eyes and wait for death.

I wonder what Heaven's like.

I hope there's macaroni and cheese.


There probably is.


Wow, I'm going to die, and my last thought is that there is probably macaroni and cheese in Heaven.

I'm so deep and insightful.

I feel the ground rushing up towards me - or rather, I feel myself rushing down to greet the ground. The cold, hard, rocky ground of deathly death murder death kill murder kill death.

I hate you, Bill.

And then...

I'm flying.

No, wait, I'm not flying, but something else is, and I'm being carried by it.

I open my eyes to see huge dove grey wings and Riley's face between them.

I blinked, and without thinking, I looked down.

Yeah, needless to say, I closed my eyes again.

Ugh, Riley, I thought you were normal! But then again, in Gravity Falls, nobody really is normal, are they?

I was still so shocked into silence that I couldn't say a word until I felt us land on solid ground. Sweet, sweet solid ground. I opened my eyes, and Riley gently set my feet on the grass. That wasn't low enough for me, and I sank to my hands and knees to catch my breath.

When I finally could, I said, "Going up is actually scarier than going down..."

Riley sounded confused, "How is that? I'd thin you would prefer to be moving away from imminent doom."

I took a moment to try and not vomit before responding, "Yeah, well, the further up you go, the further you have to fall..."

"Oh," Riley said, "Yeah, that makes sense."

It was now that I noticed Bill standing in front of me. I pushed to my feet, "What the heck, Bill?! You almost killed me!"

He gestured to Riley defensively, "I knew he would save you! And even if he didn't, then I would have."

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