Chapter 23: Dominik

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Saige's POV:

        Three days had passed since Bill had visited me, and three times had we seen each other since then. I don't know what it is about him, but there was something that draws me to him, no matter how hard I try to stay away. And it's no secret that he's been enjoying this... arrangement, I suppose you could call it.

        Anyway, I was on my way to work, passing through the clearing and all that, bracing myself for a day of boredom at the counter. The Ooolanders were at the cabin, they had a day off... lucky ducks... And of course, as I'm just trying to go to the Shack in peace, who should show up but Bill. 

        Not that I didn't expect it at this point.

        Presently, he was leaning on a tree, arms crossed over his chest, a smug smirk playing on his lips.

        I sigh, "Why can't you just leave me alone?"

        "You know the answer to that," he responds.

        "Then allow me to rephrase. Please leave me alone."

        He raises an eyebrow, "Are you sure that's what you want?"

        I place a hand on the strap of my messenger bag, "Of course."

        "And why is that?"

        "Because you and me won't work. I told you before. Whatever we may or may not have between us is purely physical," My grip slides down the strap to rest on the bag.

        He smiles, "Is that so?"


        He pushes off the tree and strolls over to me, wrapping his hand around my wrist,  "Are you positive?"

        I blink and attempt to pull my arm from his grasp but his grip tightens, and he begins to lean towards me. I stutter, timidly, "Y-yes."

        He was moving forward, and I was pulling a away, and I knew he was about to kiss me, like he always does. He gets this look on his face, one I now know by heart. And it got to the point where I couldn't go back any further, and just when his nose brushed mine, the sound of someone clearing their throat beside us startled us and we sprung apart, me landing on my butt on the ground and him flying backwards, away from me.

        Mabel was standing at the edge of the clearing, a sly grin on her face. She looked far too happy.

        "Well, well, what have we here?" She says.

        I jump to my feet, "Oh, hey, Mabel, what are you, uh, what are you doing here?"

        She crosses her arms, "Grunkle Stan wanted to know why you were late... for the forth time in a row. Although it isn't much of a mystery anymore to me."

        She glances, mischievously, from me to Bill and back to me.

        I realize that if she had recognized Bill as... well, Bill, then she would not be this calm. I tried to decide if I wanted her to recognize him or not.

        She interrupts my thoughts and confirms my suspicions, "So, Saige, who is this?"

        I have to choose quickly. Honesty or trust? "Oh, um, this is Bi- Bi..." Oh for pete's sake. I stop and regroup, "Dominik! Yeah. Dominik, that's his name."

        Bill (ahem, "Dominik") stares at me, curiously. 

        Mabel nods, giving me a stern look, "Hmm."

        I notice now that Bill is floating, and I (discreetly) grab his shoulder and push him down, so his feet are on the ground, hoping Mabel hadn't seen. Bill is very confused.

        My words are rushed, "Alrighty then, Mabel, I think I'm late enough as it is, we should get going, okay, bye Dominik." I start herding Mabel down the path. She smiles at me, slyly. My face is flushed with mortification.

        I can't wait to see the ramifications from this little incident. *sarcasm*


        I was sitting at the counter, being bored. I remember the last time I was sitting here and Mabel approached me (as she was now) I got roped into playing Cupid for Soos. After what she saw this morning, I'm a little terrified of what she might want now.

        She sits down in front of the counter, "So, that Dominik guy..."

        I sigh, "Mabel, I really truly do not want to do this with you right now. Not now, not ever."

        She whines, "Aw, come on."

        "No, Mabel."

        She huffs, "At least answer one question."
        I rest my head on my hand, "Fine."

        She traces her finger on the table, retaining eye contact with me, "How long have you two been together?"

        I choke, "Woah, first thing's first, we are not together."

        She gasps, "What? But you two are so cute together!"

        My tone goes flat, "Mabel, you only saw us together for like fifteen minutes this morning for the first time, and he didn't even speak. Also, you don't see the irony and I find it extremely hilarious."

        Mabel's voice is firm, "He kept looking at you all goo-goo eyed. You should give him a chance."

        I laugh, "Heh heh, no."

        "Just go on one date, pleeease?" She pleads.

        "No, Mabel."

        Then she leans forward and whispers into my ear and then sits back again, looking smug.

        I blink, a worried expression on my face, "How do you know that?"

        "Can't tell you that. Although I can use it as blackmail."

        I swallow, "What do you want?"

        "You have to go on one date with Dominik, and I get to pick your outfit, or everyone will find out that thing that I know."

        Dang, this girl is dead set on summer romance, even if she has to live vicariously through others.

        Finally, I give, "Fine... but Marcy and Angel have to go too."

        She shoves her tiny hand towards me, "Deal."

        I take her hand and shake it. Sweet Jesus in Heaven, help me...

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