Chapter 30: Stars

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Awesome picture by TodayIsANewDay! Go check her out or face Bill's wrath, nanoda~!
Bill: *kitty costume* rawr!
Anyway, enjoy this chapter, its much more voluminous than yesterday's!

Saige's POV:

It was a slow and rather uneventful day at work. I decided to take my lunch break a little earlier than usual and head over to the library, where I could plug in my earbuds and peruse the literary masterpieces without a care in the world.

So, I set off into town, walking through the doors of the public library and quickly rushing to the fiction section, 2Cellos reverberating in my eardrums. As I studied the titles available, I saw that there wasn't much here that I hadn't read.

Finding one that I didn't recognize, I pulled a book from it's place and ran my fingers over the worn, leather cover. The word "Stars" was embossed in gold on the front, and below it was a beautiful, detailed sketch of a pair of feathery angel wings, also in gold.

I was jolted from my inspection of the strange book by someone pulling out one of my earbuds. On instinct, I slammed the book to my chest and wrapped my arms around it, protectively, turning suddenly to face the threat.

I let out a sigh of relief, "Riley. Don't scare me like that!"

He laughed, "It wouldn't have been much of a shock if you had been paying attention."

I took the earbud back from him, pausing the song, "Whatever."

An awkward silence ensued.

He turned his head slightly as he looked at me, "Why didn't you call me?"

I groaned, "Ugh, do we have to do this now?"

"Look, it's okay, I just... I need to talk to you."

I glanced at the book in my arms, and then sighed, returning it to the shelf, "Alright, fine. But we can't talk here, it's a library, we'd get shushed right off the premises."

He chuckled, "Yeah. How about Greasy's Diner? My treat."

"Sounds like a plan," I agree.


Riley and I walked into Greasy's Diner, the bell tinkling overhead. Riley and I searched for a booth and finally found one, almost all the way in the back.

When we sat down, Lazy Susan trotted over to us merrily, "Hello, what can I get you two?"

Riley looked at me, and then turned to Lazy Susan, before I could utter a word, "Two chocolate milkshakes, please, extra cherries for the lady, if you don't mind."

I was dumbstruck. That was exactly what I was going to order.

Lazy Susan nodded, jotting that down on her pad and disappearing into the kitchen.

I stared at Riley in disbelief, "How did you..."

He shrugged, smiling, "You're a lot like my sister. That's what she always orders, you know, a chocolate milkshake with extra cherries. I just took a guess."

"Wow," I said, still slightly shocked, "Excellent guessing skills."

He grins, "Why, thank you."

I lean forward and rest my head on my hands, propped up on the table by my elbows, "About your sister. What's she like?"

"Oh, you know. A little pain in the skiddlyboop, but she's got her moments," he replies, "Her name's Jean."

"How old is she?" I inquire, trying (but failing) not to pry.

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