Chapter 11: The "L" Word

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Bill's POV:

        De Ja Vu.

        Here I was, waiting in the clearing on the path to Saige's cabin. 

        This time, however, I wasn't here to talk.

        The Operator was going back where she came from.

        While I'm at it, I'll get those other two back to their world, too, and it'll be just one less problem for me.

        I conjured an apple while I waited. Not that I need food to sustain myself, I was just bored.

        Several minutes passed before I finally saw her wavy red hair coming towards me up the trail. I tossed the apple core over my shoulder and hopped down from the tree branch I had been lounging on.

        When she saw me, she was visibly irritated. She walks right up to me, "I told you what that symbol means. What do you want now?"

        My full intention was to reach out, grab her shirt, and take her back to the Higher Flight Universe as quickly as possible. But somehow... I couldn't make my arm move.

        My mouth opened but no words came out. Angel and Marceline, the two Ooolanders, who had been talking happily, were now completely silent. They stood by, awkwardly, watching the scene with confused and curious looks on their faces.

        I did not speak.

        But Saige did.

        "Well?" She stared at me, obviously annoyed, "Are you gonna say something, or can I go now?"

        Finally, I found my words, "I know that you are from the Higher Flight Universe."

        Her face was immediately void of emotion, and she straightened. 

        All was quiet. The Constellation Butterfly from a few days ago appeared and landed gently on the Operator's shoulder. It's wings moved very slowly as it crawled on her shirt. Saige payed it no attention.

        But I did.

        The sight of that butterfly reminded me of that one night that I followed her into the woods and watched her chase the butterflies in the hollow. It brought back everything I felt when I saw the glow of the butterflies reflected in her eyes, everything I felt as I left her, standing in the clearing, that one little butterfly still clinging to her clothes.

        Suddenly, we both just started talking all at once. I barely caught my own words, let alone hers. It sounded, to me, something like this:

        "Why are you always-" "-I need to-" "-I can't focus-" "-you're insane-" "-no, you're insane, why would I be the insane one-" "-that thing with the deal-" "-you never make any sense-" "-why should I-" "-eavesdropping is bad-" "-Christmas-" "-I wish you would just leave me alone!"

        I didn't even know what was happening. One second, we were arguing, and the next, my hand was gripping her collar and my lips were pressed to hers.

        I let go, pulling back and gently pushing her away, "-I love you."

        Five feet away from me, I heard a pair of gasps from the Ooolanders.

        I ignored them, "I love you, okay?! Sheesh! If you would just SHUT UP for one measly second, I could have told you that without all this.... other stuff!"

        Saige's eyes were wide, and her face was as red as her hair.

        Realizing exactly what I had just said and exactly what I had just did, I slapped a hand to my mouth, feeling my own cheeks heat up.

        I swallowed.

        And then, after what seemed like an eternity of this awkward and kinda cliche-ness, I vanished.


Saige's POV:

        It wasn't until Bill had left that I found myself physically able to speak.

        "Did he really just... do that?" I whisper.

        Marceline smiles, slyly, "Well, that was certainly entertaining."

        I turn and glare at her, and she realizes that this... this... whatever this was was NOT a good thing.

        Or was it?

        There were literally not enough words in the dictionary to describe how I was feeling right now.

        I didn't really feel happy or excited, but I wasn't exactly angry or scared or sad, either. I was much more confused, definitely intrigued, and also a little...

        I don't know. There wasn't a word to describe this last emotion. Or if there was, I didn't know it. It was like... like I was anticipating something bad, but good at the same time... like, it would be bad when it was happening, but good things would come from it.

        It felt like I should be ready for anything.

        But I wasn't ready for this, and I never could have been.

        Not in a million years.


Bill's POV:

        Not in a million years!

        Never would I ever feel ANYTHING like... like THIS for anyone, let alone a mortal girl like her.

        Yet somehow...

        I sank down in a drifting armchair, my head in my hands.

        Something was telling me that this was one battle that I couldn't win.


I know you have been waiting for this, nanoda~!

You guys would read every chapter like, "JUST KISS HER DARNIT!"

I know it.

I just completely read your mind, didn't I?

Yeah. I did.

Leave ideas for what happens next in the comments.

Alright! Love ya, nanoda~!

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