Chapter 6: The Last Straw

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Bill's POV:

        I rubbed my temples. I got distracted. I can't keep letting her get to me. I'm done with her mind games. Tomorrow, I will get that symbol's name and meaning. And if she doesn't cooperate...

        I kill her.


        Saige strolled into the clearing, that little Constellation Butterfly still trailing behind her. It wasn't glowing. I stepped in front of her, "Not so fast."

        She groaned, "I thought I made it clear that I'm not going to tell you what this symbol is!"

        "And I thought I made it clear that you would," I growled. I snapped my fingers, and a forcefield erected itself around the clearing. No way in or out. Saige glanced around, surprised.

        "Not getting away this time, Unknown. Not until I get answers."

        "Then I guess we'll be stuck here forever, cause I'm not gonna tell you!"

        All my rage bubbled up inside of me and exploded. I lunged for her neck. Within seconds, I had her pinned up against a tree, her legs dangling a foot off the ground. She scratched at my hands.

        "Tell me!"

        Her hands were weakening as the lack of oxygen took its toll. Her face began to turn blue, and I saw genuine fear in her eyes. The Constellation Butterfly fluttered frantically around her, as if it was... trying to help her. Then something snapped inside of me, and I instantly let go, stepping back. I watched her fall to the grass, on her hands and knees, coughing. She massaged her throat, the color returning to her face.

        "Tell me now, or next time I won't be nearly as merciful."

        She pulled herself up to sit against a tree, regaining her energy. I came towards her and knelt in front of her, "Tell. Me."

        Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her hand snake towards her hoodie. I snatched her wrists and pinned them together above her head with one hand and used telekinesis to retrieve the gun with the other. "Looking for this?" I tucked the gun safely in my tailcoat.

        "Do you really want to know what this symbol is that badly?" She said, quietly.

        I didn't respond.

        She sighed. "It's called the Operator Symbol. Where I come from, people believe it represents a terrible monster."

        I narrowed my eyes. I had never heard of that before. However, I suppose I got what I wanted. Reluctantly, I let her hands go. 


        I noticed a smudge on her cheek and reached for it, "You have some dirt on your-" 

        The moment I touched her skin, both of us froze. My hand was cupping her face and my thumb was resting on her cheekbone. We sat there for a while, staring at each other in this endless awkward moment. It felt like an eternity before I finally managed to snap out of it and retract my arm. 

        Terrified, I vanished, the barrier falling to allow Saige to leave the clearing.


Saige's POV:

        As if coming out of a trance or a state of hypnotism, Bill pulled his arm back faster than you could say quidditch, and then promptly disappeared, the forcefield going with him. I sat there staring straight ahead, immobilized. Cassiopeia, the butterfly that had followed me home last night, landed on my arm and crawled up to my shoulder. 

        Finally regaining feeling in my hands, I reached up and brushed the spot where he had touched my face, the area still warm and tingling from his palm. 

        I wasn't sure what just happened. All I knew is that I had told him the thing I'd been hiding this whole time. Well, one of the things I've been hiding. I wasn't sure what he planned to do with that information, but I was sure it wouldn't be good. Until I found out, it would be best for me to keep my guard up.

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