Chapter 39: Independence Day

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Ah, readers. Happy Independence day to all. EVEN YOU, ENGLISH DUDES
Haha, I'm funny lol
But seriously, to my USA citizen reader population, which, I checked, is the majority of you guys (which makes sense, seeing as Gravity Falls is a USA cartoon) Happy 4th of July, nanoda~.
You know, I don't know why they call it Independence Day, because, sure, we DECLARED independence from the English, but it didn't actually work until we won the war, so why don't we celebrate the day we won the war, as well? You know, the day we actually became independent?
*sigh* Nobody cares about my opinions. I'm unappreciated in my time.
Anyway, time for a fun thingy, lets do this.


Nari's POV:

Hello, look, I'm back! I thought they were going to fire me after my last gig here, but they didn't so... here we are again.


Narration time.

Welcome to the city of Townsville, where- alright, who gave me the wrong script? Was it you, Barry?! I bet it was you, wasn't it? Humph. I've got my eye on you, Barry.

Alright, here's the script. Narration time for REAL.


Saige was out back inspecting the ginormous pile of sticks, twigs, and logs that made up the bonfire pit. It was about twelve feet around and taller than her. In other words, it was huge. She had purchased a butt-ton of fireworks and lighter fluid and matches and 4th-of-July-themed cupcakes, and she was making sure everything with the backyard was set for that evening.

She even had a checklist on her iPod for every aspect of the yard she had to look out for, like dry, dead patches of grass and the tree line. She didn't want to cause a forest fire due to laziness, so she found a spot in the middle of the back yard a safe distance from the fire pit to launch the fireworks and marked it with a stick.

Then, she set up folding chairs and even a folding table, which she had bought specifically for this occasion. She surveyed her handiwork, nodded contently, and headed back inside to have lunch with Cassie.


At around eight, the Pines family arrived, including Soos and his grandma. They all laid their goodies on the folding table, and Mabel and Dipper approached Saige with a bunch of their own fireworks in their arms. "We found a ton of these hidden in the Shack, and Grunkle Stan said we could take some for tonight," Mabel said excitedly.

Saige grinned, "Great, I'll add it to the pile, then." She took the armful of fireworks into the house and laid them with the rest.

Marceline and Angel came down the stairs, and Marcy asked, "So, what is Independence Day, anyway? Angel can't remember."

Saige grabbed the plastic containers of cupcakes off the dining table to take them outside, "It's a holiday where American residents celebrate their independence from England, back when they were still a couple of small colonies. We shoot off flaming projectiles and eat grilled meats and flaky, round pastries stuffed with slices of apple and cinnamon. It's pretty cool, lots of fun for the whole family."

"Yeah," Angel said, enthusiastically, "I love flaming projectiles!"

Saige walks out to the back with them, "Hey, I was wondering, what took you guys so long to get home last night? You disappeared, so we left without you."

The two of them exchanged a glance, and Angel said, cryptically, "We were... otherwise occupied."

Saige blinks, but then shrugs it off and carries the cupcakes to the table. The sun was low on the horizon, so she warned everyone to step back while she went about lighting the bonfire. She sprayed lighter fluid all over it, and then tossed a lit match and ran.


The flames erupted from the firepit, sparks flying everywhere. After a few moments, they calmed down a bit, but they still licked furiously at the branches and dry twigs. One spark caught a patch of grass on fire, but Saige stomped it out.

"Well, that was fun," Cassie says, in a delighted tone, in awe of the dancing light. She actually started to drift towards it, but Saige pulled her back. I guess Saige had forgotten that Cassie was technically an insect, and insects, even ones who create their own, are generally attracted to light.

Saige sat her down in a folding chair, "Don't move, okay, Cass?" The little girl nodded, still staring at the flames.

"Alright," The redhead straightened, "Let's eat."

This was met with a chorus of cheers from everyone, and they all flocked to the table for food.

They sat around the bonfire, eating, talking, and laughing, waiting for the sun to go down.

Soos was in the middle of an outrageously funny elephant impression when they all heard a pop, fizz, and crack. Everyone looked up to see one of Saige's fireworks explode in the sky.

They all exchanged worried glances, and when Saige looked around to check, she saw all the fireworks she had deliberately left inside lying by the stick she had used to mark the safest place for launch, but nobody was there.

"That's... strange," she says, confused, "I know I left those inside."

She looked around the circle of people by the bonfire. No one was missing. "Who could've..." She trailed off. She knew exactly who. She sighed, "You guys wait here."

She got up and went over to the pile, looking around. Nothing. She walked all the way to the other side of the house and even looked up on the roof, but she couldn't find anyone. Normally, he would show himself by now. She sighed, starting back to the bonfire. She reached her seat, but she had sat down for no longer than two minutes before they heard it again - pop, fizz, crack.

She grumbled, annoyed, immediately standing up and heading straight to the launch area. This time however, she caught it in the act. It was Bill, like she had previously thought, but rather a minuscule fairy-like creature that appeared to be made out of pure sparks. Saige stood back, frozen, silent, trying not to scare it off as she watched it and a few others stand up a firework and light it with their tiny fingers.

Pop, fizz, crack.

She backed away quietly and went and got Dipper, who had been piling hot dogs onto his plate when she found him. She whispered in his ear, "Some creature is lighting the fireworks. Is there anything in the journal about flaming smurfs?"

He furrowed his brows, pulling out Number 3 and flipping through it, "Smurfs, no. Fire pixies? Oh, yes."

He reads the page aloud, "Fire pixies are small flaming beasts born from large wood fires that crave mischief and love pyrotechnics. They're extremely fast and difficult to catch. Often found after house fires, forest fires, and unbelievably large bonfires, as those are the places that tend to create them. Weaknesses include water and glass, they burn through everything else."

"Well," she says, "That's something, at least." Saige sends all her guests inside, and has Mabel fetch glass bowls and water for the three of them. They were going pixie-hunting.

Pop, fizz, crack! Saige huffed, and then led the two kids to the launch area, where they intended to take the pixies by surprise.

That... didn't happen

They tackled, splashed, stopped, dropped, and rolled, but their methods were quite ineffective against the speed of the pixies, who were spreading fire everywhere and setting off fireworks as they went.

The next twenty minutes were filled with chaos, Saige, Dipper, and Mabel chasing the crazy fairy things everywhere, trying to keep them away from the trees and the cabin, hoping not to create even more fire, and all the while, they kept hearing that pop, fizz, and crack of the fireworks being set off in all directions. Finally, a while and many minor burns later, the three of them had managed to trap all four of the pixies under a heavy glass bowl.

They all panted, their clothes torn and dirty from falling on the ground in an effort to round up the the little devils, and stared at the angry pixies trying - and failing - to escape.

Now that that problem was solved, they had everyone come on back out and enjoy the rest of the celebration.

They set off the fireworks all together after the sun went down - well, what was left of the fireworks - and then all pitched in to put out the bonfire. Everyone either left or went inside to bed, and Saige stayed up to clean up what was left of the food.

She was clearing off the table when she heard someone walk up behind her. She didn't react beyond saying, "Happy 4th of July, Bill."

She heard his chuckle, and then he said, "Sorry about earlier today, I just wanted to have some fun."

"I knew you had a hand in that," she smiled, slightly, turning to face him.

He nodded, "Of course. No way those pixies could carry all those fireworks outside without lighting one off inside your cabin."

She just satred at him a while, and then said, "If you see Riley, tell him Happy Independence Day from me." She was about to head inside, when Bill grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back.

"Happy 4th of July, Operator," He whispered, pressing his lips to hers.

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