Chapter 38: The Twinkie ~ All Fluff And Filler

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This is the Twinkie chapter, nanoda~
Hopefully I won't feel the need to write more than one of these in the future.
I just wanted to write some updates without disappointing you guys.
DON'T WORRY: "Not What He Seems" special WILL be coming out soon, probably after the next episode in the series, so I can get a feel for what's going to happen and actually write something that doesn't go against the canon story, nanoda~
Also, I will release a little Independence Day special as well. After all, Saige still has that bonfire set up behind her cabin ;)
Anyway, without further ado, I give you the Twinkie chapter :)
Saige's POV:

It was almost 1:00 in the morning by the time we decided to leave the party. I'm not big into staying up late, so I would've gone home on my own if it weren't for a) the torrential downpour of rain happening just outside the door, b) my lack of a driver's license, and c) my stubbornness to not ask Bill for his help. When the twins, Asha, Grenda, Candy, and Cassie finally got around to leaving, I was already fed up with my muddy flats and annoying dress and just wanted to go home, take a shower, and jump into my pajamas.

You can imagine my relief when I saw Mabel and the other young girls approaching me with exhausted expressions on their faces, carrying their gift baskets. When they got close, I could hear a mysterious flapping coming from the baskets, but as is the habit I've fallen into, I decided against questioning it.

Cassie yawned and rubbed her eyes, sleepily, "Miss Saige... I think it's time to go home." I smiled softly at her round little face.

"I think you're right, Cass," I responded, kindly, then asked, "Where's Dipper, Asha, and the Ooolanders?"

Mabel pointed across the room to where Dipper was laughing about something with Pacifica, "He's over there, and Asha's over by the food table. I don't know where Marcy and Angel are, though."

"Alright, well, Mabel, you go get your brother and tell Pacifica that we're leaving now. Grenda, can you go grab Asha?" Grenda nodded, and she and Mabel split off to complete their missions.

Candy cocked her head at me, "What about Marcy and Angel?"

I shrugged, "They're big kids, and one of them can fly. They can go home whenever they want."

I reached down and hoisted Cassie on to my back, where I felt her instantly rest her head on my shoulder. I knew she would almost certainly be asleep by the time I got her back to the cabin. I could see through the window that the rain had subsided, and the moon and stars shown in the sky.

When Mabel and Grenda returned with their missions completed, Dipper told me that Pacifica would call the car around to take us home and to just wait outside the front door. So that's exactly what we did.

It was silent while we waited for the car to show up. Nobody seemed to have the energy to say anything.

We climbed in to the limo and I laid Cassie down on the seat so she could continue to sleep on the ride.

The limo stopped at the Shack first, and I waved a tired wave goodbye as the twins and the rest of the girls got out. Then the driver took us into the woods towards my cabin. I could see that Asha was still wide awake, which makes one of us. So I requested that she take Cassie up to the attic for bed while I take a shower.

When we reached the cabin, I stepped out first to give Asha some room to maneuver Cassie into her arms before getting out. We thanked the driver and headed inside. I paid no attention to the messy living room and went straight upstairs into my room and into the bathroom, where I jumped in the shower. I barely made it into my pajamas and into bed before I passed out at one forty-something in the morning.


I was sleeping peacefully when I was roused by the noises of something happening downstairs. It took my groggy mind to figure out that it was just the Ooolanders returning. I looked at the clock. It was three in the morning. What had they been doing for the two hours that we weren't there? Partying, I guess.

I yawned, shifted my position, and closed my eyes again.


It was that dream again.

I'm sitting in a vast expanse of nothing but green fields and sunlight, lounging on the ground and staring into the sky, enjoying the feel of the sun and the breeze on my face. The sound of approaching feet on the grass came from behind me and I sat up, turning around to see a nine-year-old Asha and a someone else, whose appearance and identity I couldn't make a out, with a soccer ball at their feet.

Asha grinned at me, giving the ball a kick into my arms, "We gonna play, or what?" I felt myself laugh in response before standing up, dropping the soccer ball and giving it a hard kick in midair, watching it sail across the field.

I heard a young girl's voice from somewhere say, "Aw, Saige, that's not fair!"

I chuckled, "Just spread out, and someone go where the ball just landed, okay?"

They obliged, splitting off in separate directions. Asha took off to the left and the person that I didn't recognize went to the right towards the ball.

I heard that voice again, "Get ready!"

I braced myself for the ball... but it never came. It was as if the scene was frozen in time. I felt myself getting warmer. That's when I noticed that the field was on fire behind me, and the flames were quickly approaching me and the other two, who didn't seem to see the inferno.

I tried yelling at them to run, to get help, but they didn't seem to hear me. I coughed, smoke getting into my mouth and nose. It was suffocating, filling my lungs, stealing my ability to scream for their attention. I sank to my knees, my vision blurring.

My last thought before everything went black...

"My arm hurts."


I blinked my eyes open, rubbing my right arm around the place where the prosthetic was attached to the real arm. I turned to the clock. It was seven twenty in the morning. I sighed, getting out of bed and yawning.

I went through my morning routine of brushing my hair and teeth and throwing on my hoodie before going downstairs, needing breakfast desperately.

I started to brew coffee and thought about what I might eat. I searched the fridge and the shelves and finally the cupboards before I found the breakfast of champions:

a single Twinkie.


Boop oopa doopa doop I made it part of the chapter hahahahaha
watcha gonna do about that, huh? HUH?
alright, so the Ooolanders are probably going to leave the cabin with Asha soon, probably a couple chapters or so after the "Not What He Seems" one. Unless you guys want them to stay for the rest of the book, which is okay, I just don't know what else to do with them, nanoda~.
I don't remember what else I wanted to say down here...
If I do, I'll add it later.
Anyone, that's all for now, folks!
Love you, nanoda~!

PS: I forgot to mention it when we hit that milestone, but thank you for 15,000 reads! I'll have to do something special for 20,000 :) thank you again! ^^

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