Happy 2015, readers! I got something for you!

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Hey guys, nanoda~! Happy 2015! Ready for a whole new year filled with Saipher adventures? What's that? YOU AREN'T?! Well, that's okay, I got just the thing to bring in that 2015 Saipher spirit, nanoda~!

Wait for it...


*pulls out plastic cactus* HERE IT IS! Do you love it? I bet you love it.

What, not enough for you?

Okay, how about this.

A competition. An art competition, to be exact. If you like to draw, then this is the contest for you.

Anyone who enters has to draw a picture of their favorite Saipher moment. It can be from any chapter after chapter three. So, any Saipher moments from like, "A New Approach" to "She Dreamt Upon a Midnight Clear." Got that, nanoda~? Okay. Next, fill out the entry form below.

First name:
Quotev/Wattpad Username:
Moment You Picked:
Why You Picked It:
What You Used to Draw It:
Something Fun and Interesting About Yourself:
One New Year's Resolution:

You can just copy and paste this into a PM for me and fill it out and attach the picture/drawing to it. Or, you can post the picture and form on Deviantart or Scratch and just send me the link, nanoda~! Easy as New Year's Eve pie.

ATTENTION! This contest does have some rules!

1) Form must be filled out completely. Use complete sentences. Except for name and username, of course, nanoda~.
1.5) I'm grading the drawings on creativity, neatness, color, and skill.
2) Don't ask me about entries or tell me to let you win, because I will ignore you and most likely remove you from the contest.
3) You must vote for at least one chapter in order for your entry to count.
4) The contest ends Friday, January 9, 2015. I will not be accepting entries on that day.

And last but definitely not least, everyone's favorite part of a contest, PRIZES!

Honorable mentions (there will be a max of five) get a shoutout in the winner's thingy. You know, the part of the book that tells who won and stuff.
Third and second place get their drawings featured on two chapters, with a dedication to them in the chapter.
And first place gets the same as second and third, but also, they get a cameo in one of my chapters and my love and appreciation forever.

Alright, so there you have it folks! Now what are you just standing around here for? Go enter the contest, nanoda~!

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