Chapter 20: Apples in the Attic

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Nari's POV:

        Hello. I don't believe we have met. My name is The Narrator, but most people call me Nari. If I'm reading the script right, I won't be the only- ACK!


        The director just threw a shoe at me. I guess I'm not supposed to tell you anything. Sorry, this is my first gig, they called me in last minute to make this chapter happen. So let's make it happen, shall we?

        It all started as a normal day in Gravity Falls. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Saige was raking the yard.

        "Ah, what a beautiful day!" She says, taking a brief break and looking up into the sky, a wide smile on her face.

        "Hey, wait a minute, what is this?! I would not say 'Ah, what a beautiful day' in a realistic setting," She yells up at me. Wait, what? That's not in the script...

        I flip through the line book and can't find anything mentioning the characters interacting with me... Although Saige looks pretty angry... is she taking off her shoe?!

        "Okay, okay, okay," I say, exasperated.

        <<<REWIND<<< .detarepsaxe ,yas I ",yako ,yako ,yakO"!?eohs reh ffo gnikat ehs si ...yrgna ytterp skool egiaS hguohtlA ...em htiw gnitcaretni sretcarahc eht gninoitnem gnihtyna dnif t'nac dna koob enil eht hguorht pilf I ...tpircs eht ni ton s'tahT ?tahw ,tiaW .em ta pu slley ehS ",gnittes citsilaer a ni 'yad lufituaeb a tahw ,hA' yas ton dluow I !?siht si tahw ,etunim a tiaw ,yeH" .ecaf reh no elims ediw a ,yks eht otni pu gnikool dna kaerb feirb a gnikat ,syas ehS "!yad lufituaeb a tahw ,hA" .dray eht gnikar saw egiaS dna ,gnignis erew sdrib eht ,gninihs saw nus ehT .sllaF ytivarG ni yad lamron a sa detrats lla tI >>>PLAY<<<

        It all started as a normal day in Gravity Falls. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Saige was raking the yard.

        "Why are leaves falling already? It's the middle of summer, for pete's sake," she grumbles, dragging the giant grass fork along the ground.

        She pulls the leaves along and deposits them in a pile in the corner of the clearing that held her cabin. After about twenty minutes, she's gotten a pretty big pile going. Which is strange, because it's summer, and there shouldn't be any leaves on the ground.

        Finally, Saige tugs the last of the leaves onto the pile. She throws down the rake and heads inside for a glass of water. Then, after a few minutes, she comes back out to survey her handiwork.

        Saige drops her glass.

        The pile was gone, and the yeard was once again littered with hundreds of leaves.


        Marcy was inside, searching for a snack.

        "Hey, Angel, do you know what happened to the apples that were on the counter?" she calls, befuddled.

        Angel strolls into the room, "No, I didn't touch them. Maybe Saige ate them?"

         Marcy calls out again, "Saige, did you eat the rest of the apples?"

        Angel moves aside to let Saige squeeze into the crowded kitchen, "No, I bought those specifically for you. They should be there."

        "Well, they aren't," Marceline says, matter-of-factly, "And I'm hungry. I'm going to need something to eat, otherwise I will drink you like a juice box, Saige."

        Saige sighs, grabbing her satchel off of a hook on the wall, "I'll go get you something. I needed to go grocery shopping anyway. Marcy, try not to drain anybody of their blood while I'm gone, okay?"

        She left the cabin, and, on her way to the path, she shoots a pitying glance at the disastrous yard. She had raked it twice before giving up on it, realizing it was pointless.


        Saige grabs a cart on her way into the grocery store. She strolls down the isles, grabbing a package of toilet paper, some milk, some bacon, a box of Pitt Colas, and, of course, Marceline's red apples. She started towards the checkout area, but something caught her eye, and she left her cart to go check it out. Some kind of new kids' toy that was supposed to shoot lasers or something. I wonder why this interests her. Doesn't seem like something that she would enjoy. 

        She picks up a box, examines it, and then sets it back down before turning around, heading back to her cart.

        "What the heck is all this crud?" She says, loudly and confusedly. Her cart was overflowing with what looks like TV dinners.

        She picks up one of the boxes, squinting at it's name.

        "What the heck is Elppaahsa?!" She says, throwing it back on the pile.

        After a little elbow grease, Saige managed to clear her cart of the Elppaahsa. She sighed and headed through the checkout line.


        The next day, a chair fell apart when Marcy sat down on it. Then, later on, Dipper and Mabel came to visit. They left dripping in some kind of greenish goo. Then, the next day, everything in the freezer melted, and the day after that, Saige found mud tracks in the foyer, but nobody had gone out or come in yet. Then, Marcy and Angel got covered in the greenish goo, as well, in the exact same part of the house.

        Saige had had enough.

        Dipper and Mabel came to her cabin, three days after the weird things had started happening. They all sat in the dining room.

        Dipper sighed, "Saige, I think you have a ghost."

        Mabel chimes in, "And don't laugh at that. Ghosts are real, we would know!"

        Saige shakes her head, "I know ghosts are real, I'm just not convinced that that's what this is."

        Marcy rolled her eyes, "Come on, Saige, what part of this doesn't scream haunting to you?"

        "The part where ghosts don't fill shopping carts with TV dinners. Unless they're haunting a grocery store. But they aren't. They're haunting my cabin." Saige responds.

        Angel speaks, quietly, "They're not haunting your cabin, Saige. They're haunting you. I'm guessing everything that happened to us was collateral damage. You're the target."

        Saige was silent for a moment, as if she was thinking, but then she replied, "Maybe."


        Saige was researching the portals, trying to find a way to bring two universes together again, but it seemed that there was nothing in her book. Eventually, she closed the cover and stood up to go to the bathroom. On her way there, she noticed something odd about the ceiling. The hatch to the attic wasn't closed completely. She reaches up and grabs the string that you pull to slide the door open. Then, she pulled the ladder down.

        She climbed up and poked her head into the space above the cabin. It was dimly lit and musty. By the little bit of light streaming in through a shuttered attic window, Saige could just make out what looked like a living space. There was a pillow and a pile of blankets on an old mattress, and next to it was a bag of apples.

        She glances around before crawling into the attic, grabbing the bag, and  hurrying back out again. She pushes the ladder back up into the attic and slides the door shut.


        "Marcy," Saige says, her hands holding the bag of apples behind her back, "Guess what."

        Marceline looks at the redhead, lounging on the couch, "What?"

        "It isn't a ghost. There's someone in the attic."

        Marcy blinks, "And... how do you know this?"

        "The door wasn't closed right, so I decided to check it out. There's a bed up there," she pulls out the bag of apples from behind her back and tosses them at Marcy, "I even found the apples."

        Marceline catches the bag, pulling out one of the apples and biting into it. The red drains from the fruit's exterior before it shrivels up entirely, "Hm."

        "Only question is, how are they getting around without being seen?" Saige thinks aloud.


        Dipper and Saige set up cameras in front of the attic entrance to see what they could catch on video.

        Then, they waited.


         A few hours later, everybody gathered around the dining room table to watch the film on the camera. 

        There was a lot of fast-forwarding and rewinding and pausing and playing until finally Saige exclaims, "STOP!"

        Saige reached forward and navigated through the video, frame by frame. Slowly, an observer would see the attic hatch slide open, the ladder drop down, and then the ladder would disappear and the hatch would shut once more.

        By itself.


        Saige was pacing in the room. Something about this seemed familiar.

        The goo, the leaves, the Elppaahsa incident... 

        "Wait," Saige says, quietly, "Elppaahsa..."

        She grabbed a pen and a paper, speaking aloud as she wrote, "E... L... P... P... A... A... H... S... A..."

        She examined her handwriting, "No way."

        "Took you long enough," a voice behind her sound. But when Saige turned around, there was no one there.

        And then, there was.

        If was like a scratch-and-reveal affect, you know, when you use a key to scratch the lottery ticket and see if you won? Yeah. One second, there was nothing, and then somebody took a key and scratched away the nothing, and suddenly there was Asha Apple.

        "You sly little pineapple," Saige says, unable to suppress a grin.

        Asha smiled, her straight white teeth standing out against her chocolate skin, "The very same."

        "Girl, how long have you been camping in my attic?" Saige asks.

        "A few weeks," the other girl replies.

        "And what's with the Deathly Hallow? Since when can you turn invisible?"

        "Since this," she says, tossing Saige a device that looked almost identical to her UTD, "You can turn in your old one later, but that, my friend, is the new and improved Universal Travel Device. Built-in cloaking device, larger universal radar range, and now you can play Flappy Bird on it, too."

        "Did you come all this way just to give me this?" Saige says, tucking the UTD in her back pocket.

        "No, I needed a vacation. But then I thought it might be fun to mess with you and your house guests."

        "The slime?"

        "Corn starch, water, and food coloring," Asha says, matter-of-factly.

        "The leaves?" 

        "Most of the leaves were already on the ground from those storms, but I did have to strip a few branches. And then of course, I just jumped into your neat pile to make a not-so-neat pile."

        "The apples?"

        "Actually, that was unintentional, I got hungry, and so I just grabbed them. I didn't return them when I realized how awesome of a pun that would make. I've been taking food from you guys this whole time, I'm surprised you haven't noticed."

        "Yea, yea... and the TV dinners?" 

        "That one took me forever, I had to make the boxes and the freeze them and then pick the perfect moment to dump them in your cart."

        "...the chair?" Saige says, remembering that one.

        "Oh, no, that actually wasn't me, I just think that chair was weak or something."

        "Hm. Termites maybe," Saige says, thoughtfully.

        Asha looked around, "So... am I allowed to sleep here or not?"

        Saige jumps, "Oh, right! Yeah, of course. You can share this room if you want."

        Asha nods, "Cool beans."

        After that, things happened, Saige introduced Asha to the Ooolanders and the Mystery Shack emlpoyees, Asha cleaned the whole house to make up for the pranks, Mabel made Asha a sweater with a cow on it, and Stan watched old-lady soap operas. I would talk more about it, but I'm really tired, and I did what I was hired to do, so... bye.

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