Chapter 13: Cool Down

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Bill's POV:

        I was doing it again.

        When I pulled out of the kiss, our noses brushed and I could feel her soft breath on my face. 

        She opens her eyes, "I..."

        Then her face hardens and she pushes me away, and, obviously without taking the time to think, tore off into the woods.

        I tried to follow her, but once she was gone, I couldn't find her. I found myself hoping that she would be safe... and somehow, I was okay with the realization that I cared about her. I wasn't sure when I had come to terms with it. I guess I just had. Besides, I'm Bill Cipher, I don't have to make sense.


Saige's POV:

        I stumbled through the forest, not a clue where I was headed. All I wanted was to get away from Bill. He brought out something in me that I wanted no part of. I was running for all my life was worth through the dense trees. I didn't bother to look where I was going, not that it would help much. I barely knew these woods.

        One misstep and I feel my foot catch on something protruding from the ground and I trip, flying through the air and crashing through some ferns.

        I land on the dirt with a soft thud. Silently, I lay on my back, taking a moment to enjoy my respite. I stare upwards. Above me, I notice that the trees are considerably thinner here. The leaves barely blot out the skies around the edges of this evident clearing and in the center, the sun shines through freely. Nearby, I can hear the bubbling noise of running water. I turn my head and see a beautiful (albeit small) blue-green lagoon with a waterfall flowing over a rocky ridge. Having caught my breath, I pull to my feet and look around. There is a sandy beach with a few patches of grass struggling to survive without much dirt to grow up from. The place was gorgeous, and would be perfect for a swim. Upon further inspection, I could see a narrow path from the clearing that obviously hasn't been used in eons. I wasn't sure where it lead, but I decided it was my best bet on a way out of this place.

        I started my trek, pushing the shrubs and bushes and branches out of my way. I was walking for 15 minutes (or it felt like 15 minutes) and then I emerged - in the large space behind my cabin. I saw the fire pit overflowing with broken twigs and various tinder and old newspapers, all ready to be set aflame. 

        I smiled, so full of relief. I needed to go inside and take a shower and get my mind off of all that had happened today. So that's exactly what I did.


        The next day was a Saturday. A hot, hot, hot Saturday. 99 degrees Fahrenheit. I was sprawled on the floor of my living room, sweating. Angel walks into the room and stares at me, questioningly.

        I stare back at him, "It's too hot. I didn't even know it could get this hot this far north."

        Angel nods, understandingly.

        I let out a long breath of exasperation. Then I jump up, remembering something, "I have an idea!"

        The whole place is silent for a few seconds, Angel just looking at me. Eventually he says, "What is it?!"

        "Oh, right. Angel, get me the phone. We're going somewhere to cool down."


        Two hours later, Wendy, Dipper, Mabel, Soos, Stan, and Waddles are climbing out of the golf cart with their pool bags slung over their shoulders. However, we weren't going to a pool. 

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