Chapter 46: I Really Just Want to Be Alone

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        "Of course you would like it," I sigh, deciding to take hi appearance in stride. I should be used to it by now. So I just kept scrubbing the plate in my hands, "You know, if you wanted to compliment me so bad, you could have swooped in and saved the day and told me in the moment instead of just stalking me and doing nothing."
I feel arms snake around my waist from behind, and he rests his chin on my shoulder. I try my hardest not to react.
"You know as well as I that I couldn't do that," he murmurs into my neck, and I could swear I heard purring, "They still only know me as Dominik, remember? If I had saved you, as I did want to, I promise, I did, then I would have revealed myself. I wouldn't want to compromise their trust in you."
I tried to fight the heat rising in my cheeks at his low tone so close to my ear, and I twisted in his grasp, turning to face him, my back pressed against the kitchen counter. He had one hand on either side of me now, keeping me from slipping away from him. "This isn't about you compromising their trust in me, you just want to stay hidden. You're still planning something. I know I haven't changed that."
He presses forward against me, raising his hand to brush some red hair out of my face, "Can't get anything past you, can I, Operator?"
My cheeks darken further, and I start to wonder what had him in such a handsy mood today, "Bill, are you okay? Is something going on with you that I don't know about?"
He tilts his head slightly and cups my cheek with his palm, "What makes you think that something's wrong? Is it so wrong for me to want to be close to you?"
"You just seem... different... is all," I reply, tempted to push him away from me. I was trying with all my might to keep up that guise that his proximity didn't bother me in any way. I don't want him to think that he's getting to me.
He stares at me for a moment, and then lets out a short sigh, running his thumb over my cheekbone, "Why didn't you just tell someone that you were lonely? Why didn't you tell me? I would have gladly kept you company..."
My eyebrows raise in surprise. He... noticed? Nobody else did...
I look away, hugging my arms to my chest to keep them in between him and me, "Why would I tell you? Why would I tell anybody at all? I'm just being a crybaby... besides, I'm okay now. I just wasn't use to the cabin being so empty, that's all."
"I could remedy that," he says, out of nowhere.
I cock an eyebrow at him in confusion. "Remedy" it? What does he intend to do? Move in? Buy me a dog? Release a vengeful spirit into my attic - hey, that sounds familiar...
"I don't know what that's supposed to mean..." I mumble, my expression twisted into befuddlement.
He leans in, holding my face in place so I couldn't look away from him, "What do you want it to mean, my dear? I can't stand to see you lonely when I'm right here. It upsets me enough that you avoid me, and now that you need me, you still won't acknowledge me. It seems I'll have to make myself noticeable."
"So, what, are you going to live with me now?" I ask, almost angrily, annoyed that he didn't even think to ask me what I might have been comfortable with.
"Yes," He replies, the gentle tone he had sustained this entire time sounding much heavier, much harsher, and much more possessive without noticeably changing. It was the kind of gentleness that said that there was no way I was getting out of this.

"Go upstairs to bed now, I'll finish this," He then instructs, stepping away from me and releasing me, the remaining dishes beginning to glow blue as he sets to work using his psychokinesis, "Or, you can stay, and when I'm done, I can tuck you in~"
My ears felt hot and I scowled, dropping my washcloth on the counter, "No thanks. And if you're gonna live here now, I'm laying down some ground rules. Stay out of my room unless you've got explicit permission from me. And Cassie, she can't know you're here, or she'll immediately run off and tell Mabel. Got it?"

He smirks, and the dishes drop back into the sink from where they had been hovering patiently. He steps towards me, sliding a hand around my waist and pulling me close.
"Of course," he whispers, sweetly, "You're in charge around here. I got it."

He reaches in to kiss me, but I lift my hand up and push his face away, unraveling myself from his grasp.

"And no more of that," I say, heading out of the kitchen, leaving him looking dazed and embarrassed, and definitely a little pissed, "There are children in the house. Goodnight, Bill."

Before he can say anything else, I exit and head upstairs to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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