#1~Prepare For Adventure~

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"Here, I have an extra."

I gratefully accept the diamond pickaxe and brush away the broken shards of my last one. Wilbur resumes his strip-mine, while I focus my attention back on the lapis lazuli I had started excavating.

Me and my friends have been preparing awhile now for the treacherous journey to the Nether dimension. If all goes well we'll have collected a bunch of new materials to upgrade our current strength.

But, of course, the first step is to make the portal of obsidian. We only really need ten obsidian blocks, because the corners are not necessary for the purple gateway to work.

"Phil! Philza!" An obnoxiously loud voice yells out from somewhere behind me. "Look what I found!"

I turn around to see a young boy with short, dirty-blond locks and pale blue eyes quickly emerge from a narrow, dimly lit tunnel. His white and red t-shirt is smudged with grime and the bottom of his jeans are slightly ripped from underground labour. Though his physical appearance isn't much of a sight to behold, his large grin and sparkling eyes surely make up for it.

I smile softly and chuckle. "Tommy, what is it that's got you so excited, mate?"

The british teenager pauses for a moment to dramatically wheeze for air with his hands on his knees, as if he's ran a marathon.

"Phil! Phil, I-" Tommy interrupts himself with a short bark of laughter.
"Just- Look!" A book shimmering with neon purple materializes in his outstretched hand.

"An enchantment book? What's the enchantment?" I curiously lean over to read the label, but he pulls away sharply to continue the growing suspense.

"I found it in an abandoned mineshaft! I put my blood, sweat and tears into protecting this book from the ugly creepers that were eyeing me hungrily from the shadows!" The boy was obviously exaggerating the experience, but I found it amusing, so I patiently wait for the big reveal.

"They thought I was weak. They thought! But you know what I did, Phil? You know what I did to those beasts!?"

"What'd you do, Tommy?" I sigh with a giggle.

"I ran as fast as I could! They didn't see it coming! I ran and ran and ran, but I had to stop to eat some food so I didn't die of hunger-" I laugh at that, and Tommy barks a laugh as well before continuing his rant.

"-and I ran some more, and now I'm here!" The child spread his arms wide as he finished his tale. "Phil, hey Phil, do you want to know what the enchantment is on this book that I risked my life for?"

"Yeah," I reply simply, the anticipation killing me.



I give him a blank, unimpressed stare and he absolutely looses it. I sigh deeply and rub my temple, but unfortunately it was sort of funny, and I find myself chuckling despite being completely fooled.

"Uh, did I miss something?" Another british boy pops his fluffy head from around the corner of his tunnel. Brown curls curtain his eyes and he swings his head sharply to the side in an attempt to move them from his view, but fails and gives up.

"Hey, Wilbur."

"Hey, Wil."

We both greet the yellow fellow, while I gave a small wave.

"How'd your strip-mining go? Anything good?" I ask.

"While, actually, I found a large lava pool a few hundred blocks from here, but uh.." Wilbur shuffles his feet in slight embarrassment.

"Well!? Does this mean we can finally go to the Nether!?" Tommy waves his hands around impatiently.

"...I don't have water with me...Or a bucket." The brunette sweatdrops at our poker faces. I brush past the boy and enter his tunnel at a brisk pace.

"Phil?" Wilbur turns around in mild confusion. I answer back by waving a bucket in the air and continue forwards. The "brothers" look at eachother, shrug, and follow the father figure.

"Come on, men! Put your backs into it!" The scorching heat of the lava sends waterfalls of sweat down my face, neck and arms. My arms are sore from the constant motion of swinging my diamond pick up and down on the black rock.

"Instead of yelling at us with your pointless motivational speeches, you could give us a hand here!" an equally sweaty Wilbur shouts out to the bossy child.

"Not my thing," the arrogant boy remarks snottily. The brunette scoffs and grumbles as he brings his pickaxe up and down again.

"By the way, Tommy, have you seen Tubbo around?" I ask curiously.

"Hmmm, heard him mention something about beeeeesss.." Tommy rubs his chin thoughtfully. Wilbur glares at him.

"I swear, I'm going to chuck this child into the lava first chance I get," he mutters under his breath.



A satisfying pop resounds in the cave, followed by another.

"So, how many ya got there, Wil?" I ask between short breaths.


"Good, I've got six. Better one over than one under."

"Yeeeessss! Lets go, lets go, lets go!!"

"Shut. Up!" Wilbur thumps Tommy on the top of his head.

"Owwwee, I bit my tongue!"

"Serves you right!"

"Boys, boys, calm down." I wave my hands in front of me, sweatdropping at their constant bickering.

On our way back to the outside world we encounter a few mobs, but nothing too difficult. Finally, we exit the main cave entrance and out into the brilliant sun. It's warmth a pleasant change compared to the dark and cold caverns below.

"Halooo!" A young blondie in green comes running over through a flower field.

"Tubbo!" Tommy shouts out happily.

"Bees!" Tubbo replies. Once said, a small swarm of bees rise up from the midst of the flowers.

"AHHHH!" The younger blonde runs in the opposite direction. Tubbo laughs and smugly pets the bees.

"You b*tch." Tommy sulks back over with his arms crossed.

"Anyways! Portal, ya?" Wilbur reorients.

Everyone nods eagerly.

"But first we need to do a bit of enchanting," I interrupt with a fake cough.

Everyone groans.

The final obsidian is put in place and ready to be lit. The whole structure fancily built upon a decorated, stonebrick platform with stairs, slabs, brick walls and lanterns.

"Alright, light it up Philza! We're going to the Nether!" Wilbur calls out enthusiastically.

I strike the flint and steel swiftly, resulting in a white spark that ignites the black rock with purple flames speading quickly, finalizing in a swirling, purple vortex; otherwise known as the Nether portal.

With enchanted diamond armour gleaming and weapons drawn, we were ready.

I take a shaky breath of long awaited excitement and step forward onto the strip of obsidian.

Then, everything went momentarily purple, blinding my vision. An eerie crackling and whirring rings in my ears, getting louder and louder until silence engulfs it all.


A/N from the future:
The chapters get longer and better as the story goes on. The first few are pretty old.

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