#16~Broken Bonds~

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I wince at the loud outburts of all three of my friends.

After being dragged into Tommy's house, I was forced to sit while the others stood menacingly in front of me for interrogation. Regretfully, I spilled everything, but left out some embarrassing details. Their reactions are just as I suspected.

"No need to yell, geez!" I say while covering my ears. Tommy is in complete shock and Tubbo looks somewhat interested and possibly impressed. Though, to my confusion, Wilbur looks concerned alongside shock. He clears his throat and gazes at me seriously.

"You weren't bribed, were you? Or maybe threatened?" These strange questions cause the other two to clue in to what Wilbur is suggesting, and it isn't good. I just become even more confused.

"What are you on, mate? Of course not," I respond. The brunette's expression softens with a hint of anger.

"It's okay, Philza. You can tell us. We can help you," he urges. I only stare at him.

"I wasn't forced or anything. I love Technoblade," I state to them. Wilbur looks even more concerned.

"Dang it, Phil! It isn't normal for a Player to fall in love with a mob! It isn't natural!" beanie boy shouts. "You've been brainwashed!" I'm startled by his outrageous accusation and reminded of the story Techno told me of his past.

Wil believes the same as those piglins...

With that in mind, I'm offended. I glare at who I thought was one of my closest friends. To think he would dare say such a thing.

"Love is love, Wilbur!" I shout back. "Who gives a sh*t if that may be some Nether creature! It shouldn't matter!"

"This isn't you talking right now!" The brunette slams his hands on the makeshift table between us. I growl and turn to the silent blondes.

"C'mon guys! Tell him off for me, will ya?" I gaze hopefully toward them, but Tubbo and Tommy only shake their heads.

"He's right, sorry, Phil," Tubbo says.

"You're crazy," Tommy adds. I feel utterly betrayed and have no idea what to say. Instead, I only lower my head to stare at the floor. Then, Wilbur gasps.

"You had s*x with that piglin the night I saw him, didn't you!?" My head shoots up at that one word with my face completely flushed red.

"NO! NO I DID NOT, FOR THE LAST TIME!" I yell at him while stomping my feet. He goes silent and sighs.

"Uhuh, sure," Wil mumbles. "Look, Phil, just admit it. Whatever is going on here, it doesn't love you."

"He," I correct him with a snarl. The brunette rolls his eyes in response.

"Can we just forget about this? As long as Philza never sees him again, then maybe this "brainwash" thing or whatever will wear off," Tubbo suggests frantically. Tommy nods vigorously.

"Yeah! I have stuff to do and this is boring!" the loud blonde remarks. Wil sighs while rubbing his temple.

"Fine, fine, but we shouldn't forget about this! This could be dangerous if left unchecked."

"Oh my gosh! What do you think I'm going to f*cking do!?" I ask in a challenging manner.

"I don't know! Something!" Wilbur sputters out.

The arguing continues longer than we'd both like, but ends in a "draw" of sorts. My not-so friends leave me alone after that, but make it quite clear that I can't ever go back to the Nether. Tommy shoves me out of his house and I walk home.

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