#14~A Day in the Jungle~

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Cheerful chirping both near and far greet me as I awake from a restful sleep. Morning dew among the plants and leaves of the jungle give the air a pleasantly fresh and earthy scent. I deduce it must've rained in the last few hours of the night.

I'm still in the jungle it seems, so it wasn't a dream, though it felt like one. But, why? I suddenly feel something squirm beneath me. What I thought to be moss I'm laying on turns out to be a living creature. I'm startled into a small jump that ends with me falling harshly to the grassy ground beside a log.

"Mmh, you okay?.." a sleepy, gruff voice asks me lowly. It really wasn't a dream. My face flushes and I make eye contact with bright red ones staring curiously at me from atop the log I remember sitting on last night. Thinking of that night makes me go even more red - which I didn't believe to be possible.

Realizing I never answered him, I squeak out, "Yeah, I'm good, I think." Technoblade smiles down at me lazily, before sitting up with a long, bone-cracking stretch. I stand as he does, Dream Jr. finding it's place on my shoulder.

"So, what happened last night.. that uh, did happen right? Well, it was, nice," I stumble out, whispering some parts, because it still felt like just some dream. He smiles more and reaches a hand forward to cup my cheek.

"Yeah, I liked it," he responds simply. I can't stop myself when I suddenly lean in to peck his cheek. He blushes and looks to the ground shyly.

This is going to take some time getting use to...

"What now?" I question, rocking on my heels to and fro. Techno looks up at the misty sky, glances at our peaceful and green surroundings, then finally looks to me with a grin.

"Lets stay here a while longer. Just the two of us," he concludes. "And your small friend too," the hybrid finishes while looking to my green bird. A dust of pink brightens my cheeks, and I chuckle with a distant smile finalizing my dreamy expression.

"Sounds fun!" I exclaim. Techno pulls me in for a quick smooch that sends my heart a flutter. With hands linked, I'm suddenly dragged off in a random direction at a faster pace than necessary.

"Wah! Techno, careful! I could trip on something!" I giggle out, feeling something new and alive churning within me. I've never felt so alive like this since... Ah, but that's besides the point.

"You're right. You could trip and hurt yourself with me pulling the reins, so-" Strong arms lift me up off the ground mid-run; one holding up my legs, the other embracing my shoulders.

"EH!?" I cry out in surprise. I only get a small chuckle in response. Techno continues to run, parkouring over fallen trees and stones, and curving around thick trunks covered in moss and vines. One such leap caused me to panic, which I "very subtly" held on to my piglin frien- boy..friieend's?- red cloak for dear life.

I guess we really are a "thing" now, aren't we?

I'm in a relationship with a frickin' mob.... from the Nether. How cool is that?

Worlds apart, and yet we somehow meet, turning into.. this. How cute.

"Hold on tight, Phil, this'll be a fun one!" he calls out above the wind due to our speed. I blink and look to where his gaze lies, and oh boy that's a lot of BUSH and ROCK, my guy. How the frick are we gonna-

Technoblade lets out a sudden burst of speed, causing the world to blur around us. Right before reaching the large blockage of brush and stone, he quickly crouches then springs up. I had no idea piglins could jump so f*cking high...

"WHAT THE F******CCCKK!!" I shout through the air and bundle up reeeeaal close to my booyy..frie- boy- oh for crying out loud. MY BOYFRIEND.

Technoblade only laughs a deep, sexy- sh*t, what? -a deep, manly laugh. My mind is just going too fast and crazy, I need help.

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