#5~The Fortress~

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A/N: I have a feeling some readers might be getting a bit impatient with how long it's taking for Philza and Techno to even meet, but these things take time. It wouldn't be a very good story if I just got straight to the point! I have to build up! Add a little suspense, y'know? (even if that "suspense" is many chapters long, aheh..)

So, anyways. On with the chapter! :)

I can't.

No matter how bad the situation is, I just can't.

I fight against the urge as I fall through the hot smog and closer to my death.

They can't know.

It becomes harder and harder to resist the more I fall.

What do I do!? At this rate we'll die!

Maybe, just this once...

Right before I give in, Wilbur distracts me when he shoots past by holding his arms flat against his sides to pick up speed. I blink in shock.

"Oi, Wilbur! What'cha doing??" I shout to him above the loud wind rushing past us.

"Saving our lives!"

My confusion is evident on my face, and the two free falling children beside me have the same expression, though with a bit more fear etched across their features as well.

When the times comes that we all really start to panic, and our death is an obvious outcome of this dire circumstance, Wilbur does an incredibly well-timed boat clutch, landing without damage. But, that only saves him... What about the rest of us?

Before I can once again either accept death or give into the urge of using- Wilbur quickly spam places hay bales all along the floor directly below us. We safely land on the bristly bales of hay, only loosing a couple hearts in the process.

I wipe my sweaty forehead from the sweltering heat caused by a new source of lava - a lake and multiple waterfalls - and from the overwhelming amount of distress this dangerous ride has gratefully gifted upon me. Yay...

"Amazing save there, Wil! I was sure we were about to die!" I smack the brunette's back affectionately and he flinches from the impact before sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, big man, that was awesome!!" Tommy fist bumps the air excitedly, while Tubbo gives a sparkling thumbs up.

"Yeah, well, I even amaze myself. It was all in the moment, really." Yellow boy shuffles a bit, flustered from the attention.

"Wait, where are we?" I ask, now taking an interest in our surroundings.

"The Nether fortress!"


Tubbo points to our feet and we can clearly see it isn't the same soft, crimson, grassy stuff the forest ground was made of, or the hard, scramble of pinks and reds the netherrack was made of. Instead, it looks to be a brick of some kind, but still sharing the same red colour palette as most of everything in the Nether.

The brick is the same as what we saw below from our view ontop the cliff by our portal. That piece of fortress sticking out from the wall, closely connected with the first balcony of crimson trees.

"But, aren't we on the other side of where the Nether fortress we saw before was? Far from the lava river and our portal?" I point out, confused.

"It must branch off from the other one, going through the netherrack here," Wilbur theorizes, patting the wall connected to the cliff we just fell from.

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