#28~Tears at Dusk~

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Sequel Chapter Finale


I soar above the fluffy clouds in the clear, blue sky. Close to the mountains, I swoop, my black shadow waving over the bumps and crevices below me. I sigh in the smooth currents of wind. The sun's warmth adds a nice contrast to the cold air whipping by.

I spy a large cave below piles of snow and swoop in. The dark closes in around me for a suffocating moment before the other side opens up to the sunlight. freezing water drips from stalactites above, and I swerve expertly between them right as the sun bathes me in it's warmth once more in the open sky.

From my height, home comes into view, and I curve at a slight angle to dive down. As the ground grows closer, I beat my wings outwards to slow my descent. In one graceful motion, I curl in my wings and land steadily on my feet, smiling and spinning around giddily once on solid ground.

As often as possible and during the best of weather, I've gladly taken advantage of my moments of peace and boredom to spread my wings. Overtime, I've grown past my bitter problems with the feathery limbs. I've accepted them, as I should, because they are apart of me no matter what. Even if I were to cut them off.

I brush away upcoming thoughts and just enjoy the aftermath exhilaration from my flight, that is until a body rams into me from behind with startling force. I tumble to the grass laughing with Technoblade ending up above me. He chuckles and attacks me with kisses, hugging me close.

"Stop, that tickles," I complain childishly. The piglin snorts, then decides to grace me with a quick but passionate kiss on the lips. My giggles calm as I close my eyes to enjoy the sweet moment. When released, the hybrid rolls off my body and joins me side by side on the grass. We gaze up serenely to the heavens; wind, rustling trees, and the far off trickle of the river a calming white noise in the background.

The hybrid crosses his arms behind his head and closes his eyes. I spend an entrancing moment staring over at his peaceful expression with a small smile before looking up to the clouds once more.

"What'dya wanna do today?" I ask.

"Absolutely nothing," he responds with a sigh.

"Couldn't agree more."

For a moment, everything is as silent as can be. I absently blow away a stray strand of blonde hair from my face, dissociating a bunny-like cloud from the others as it drifts by.

"Hey, Phil, Techno, mind if I join you?" Wilbur's face pops into my peripheral vision from above, looking sideways. I grin and pat the empty space on my left side. He slumps to the ground with long legs out front and hands rested out straight behind him.

"Any plans?" Wilbur asks casually while looking stuck on whether to read or not. He decides otherwise and slips the book quietly into his weightless inventory.

"Nah, mate. Just chilling," I reply simply, giving him a sideways smile. He grins back before turning about his head to take in the full beauty of the overworld's scenery. The birch forest right behind us, the distant mountain peaks of snow and stone, the open plains, and lastly, the barely visible tips of jungle trees hundreds of blocks away.

The wonder is unsurpassed, although one could argue the Nether fungi forests in the light of the burning pits of h*ll take the win in breathtaking enchantment.

Soft snoring distracts me from my cloud watching, and I glance over to a sleeping Technoblade. With every exhale, a pig snort joins the snoring, and every inhale involves a small squeak. I blush slightly and reach out an arm sideways to brush the pink hair from his face and graze a finger lightly down his cheek.

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