#23~The Last Stand~

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"I WON'T LET YOU DIE LIKE THIS!" I scream at the top of my lungs, my voice wavering and cracking under the intense distress coursing through my very soul, and I leap the last few blocks to my boyfriend.

An itchy sensation spreads along my upper back. I'm hit with a wave of nausea as my feet leave the ground, and a beautiful midnight black dances in my vision.

All I want is to keep him safe.

Even if I have to risk it all.


A steady rhythm beats down on the hot air around me. My throat has gone dry and my eyes water from the speed I'm moving through the air. The dull ground below blurs by and draws a headache the more I stare.

A heavy weight beneath me keeps dragging my body down, causing a nauseating bobbing action as my midnight wings fight to keep us in the air. My wings. They ache from neglected use for most of my life. I can already feel them growing slower and heavier the further I go on. Sooner or later they'll seize up, and we'll drop.

I grunt, struggling with my arms wrapped under the armpits of a tense body. His pink hair waves in the wind, long since been undone from it's twisted confinement. Cold water drips from my eyes and sizzles against the warm ground below far behind me.

For so long I fly, swooping under and over land, ledges and trees that obstruct my undefined path. Lower and lower I drop slowly towards the rocky floor as the fatigue takes over. The soon-to-be battlefield is long since out of sight, and our new surroundings settle a quiet blanket over us, far from any wild life.

I push for a couple more lengthy flaps of my wings before dropping sluggishly to the ground, releasing Techno gently on his knees as I slide a bit of a ways ahead down slowly onto my stomach. I lay there for a moment to catch my breath as my frozen brain begins to thaw.

That's when the situation really hits and sinks in. My eyes grow wide and my breath hitches. Yes, I had accepted the consequences of my reckless actions at the time, but that didn't mean it wasn't going to hurt after all is said and done. I cover my mouth with my hand and raise myself up to a kneeling bow position with my head inches from the ground.

Hesitantly, I lower my hand to join the other on the rough terrain. Warm water spots the floor, blurring my vision. I struggle to find the right words to say, feeling eyes watching me wearily from behind, my throat raw.

"Sorry, for the... scare," I begin at a steady pace. He doesn't respond, and I go on with little thought as to what I'm saying. "You probably think I'm some monst-"

"You're just like me," Technoblade chimes in with audible shock, before he then surprises me with a chuckle.

"H-huh?" My head perks up to listen.

"We aren't so different after all, you and I..." he whispers softly. I swallow my anxiety and turn to face him, rising to me knees. The hybrid seems to be in the middle of admiring my wings when he notices me watching and smiles. I intake a soft breath and immediately look away, hiding my face behind one of my outstretched wings. A warm heat crosses my cheeks and to the tips of my ears.

The agonizing silence is quickly abolished by my sudden, soft sounds of distress as I begin to weep, my wings quivering with the rest of me. I whip my head around towards a suddenly startled Technoblade and lunge for him, gripping the piglin tightly in a strong bear hug. He gasps as the breath is knocked out of him, staying stock-still in possible shock and confusion. Soon, as my tears further soak his white shirt to grey, Techno lifts his arms up to pull me even closer.

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