#7~A New Friend?~

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My heart beats fast and my legs quiver with each step. The adrenaline courses through my aching muscles that are worn from my constant motion in such a hot place. I mean, lava, amirite?

I keep the unknown creature hiding behind the portal in my sights, not glancing away for even a second.

This is my chance.. To get some answers,

I think hopefully, but then the whole piglin thing strikes me suddenly.

I don't speak piglin!

This new thought sends all my hopes flying out the window, and I stop my slow advance.

Darn it, and I spent all that pointless time searching for it, him, they, her, whatever it's stupid pronouns are!

My axe lowers slightly in my now loose grip. A small frown grows upon my face, and my eye twitches in minor frustration.

What do I do now? If I can't talk to "it" then...

What if it attacks me!? It IS a piglin afterall! Or...I think so at least..

My mind spins in an endless trail of thoughts, and my vision blurs, unfocusing on the scenery around me.

Is this some sort of trick? A game? Am I being made a fool of, and then when I least expect it, that creature will pounce!? I'm so lost.

Maybe I can give english a go anyways. The piglins must have come across Players before, so maybe they picked up on a bit of english, right?

Well, unless the Players they could've met spoke french, or rather something else...

No! Not the time to get carried away! I'm Philza Minecraft! I'm logical and understanding, caring and polite. I'm the father figure of our little squad, and almost always the one calling the shots! Always coming up with the best decisions, so I know what I'm doing. No need to worry so much.

With that in mind, I shake my head and put on a stout expression. But, there's no one there anymore.

I have a mini heart attack and spin around only to come face to face with the strange piglin.

"Uhh, I," I stutter out, and my axe slips through my sweaty hands. The piglin stares into my blue eyes with an expression I can't understand. It's red eyes seem to glow brightly in the firelight illuminating the Nether.

Now that I'm much, much closer, I can better make out it's facial features. The piglin's face almost resembles a human Player's, although not quite, due to it's pink hue, the shape of the nose and the small tusks sticking up from the bottom jaw. Two long ears poke up from it's strangely pink locks, adorned with several gold earings. Apart from the ugly scars here and there, I'd say it's quite handsome.

Then, the piglin lifts up a hand and lightly caresses my cheek.

I stiffen in surprise, knocked from my observing with wide eyes, and my cheeks turn the colour of the other's skin. The Nether creature gazes all over me with piercing eyes, as well as gently grazing a finger along some parts of my body.

I'd call it a pervert, but I don't know if piglins have a big enough of a brain to understand what that word even means outside of their primitive ways.

Breaking from my state of paralysis, I then roughly push away the piglin and take several steps back. My face is completely flushed that my personal bubble had been so rudely forced into by some Nether inhabitant I've never met before.

"W-What the h*ll was that for??" My heart skips multiple beats, making me feel uncomfortable.

There's an awkward silence that lasts longer than I'd like, aside from my loud panting.

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