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Two days since the incident.

It feels like an eternity, but that's probably the depression. A sick feeling that churns in the back of my mind and slowly rips apart my heart from the inside out. My emotions are wavering, but the most common one is an overwhelming loneliness along with a deep sadness.

But, what can you do? The very friends you've been with most of your life have forced you away from your lover, and due to that your relationship with them has decreased to nothing more than a displeasurable acquaintance.

Love really is a troublesome thing, eh? But, I guess it's all worth it in the end. Love is worth fighting for.

I smile at that thought, but it drops quickly to a frown when I come face to face with Wilbur.

"Hi. I haven't seen you in a while," the brunette greets casually. I glare at him tiredly and walk past, brushing against his shoulder roughly. I can feel him glaring at my back, upset with my behaviour.

"Why do you insist on acting like a child? It was just some pig, get over it." I whip my head around at those words and stare threateningly at Wilbur. The malice oozes off my aura in great amounts that causes the boy to cower slightly beneath my gaze.

"Keep poking the bear and see what happens, Wilbur Soot," I threaten lowly with a slowly growing humourless grin. I've lost all patience, and you don't want to see me when I'm sad, tired, angry, and overall broken. It won't end well. For the provoker that is.

That night I can't seem to fall asleep. Similiar to the last couple nights, sleep just doesn't come easy anymore. I toss and turn, pulling at my hair in frustration. Before I know it, the sun is already rising. Another restless night.

I trudge downstairs and just stand there staring at the floor. This morning feels odd, like something's going on that I don't know of. I snap myself from the daze and continue walking. The outside is chilly, but also warm if that makes sense. I breath in the fresh air and release a low sigh.

For a couple hours I wander around the clearing and scale the forest edge. I feel empty. Like nothing is really processing for me, and I'm more observing than thinking and feeling. You could describe it as being emotionless, but I do feel that slight twinge of sad that never leaves me.

"Heya, Philza," an oddly cheerful voice greets. I grunt and look over at Tubbo.

Why can't he leave me alone?

"What?" I respond coldly.

"Oh, nothing, I'm just saying hi." The blonde sways on his heels and glances around before turning back to me. "I understand how you must be feeling right now, but isn't it nice to know your boyfriend is at least alive?"

What an odd thing to say.

Tubbo blinks innocently and tilts his head with a grin. "You wouldn't want it to die, would you? Gosh, that'd be awful!"

"Him, not "it."" I grit my teeth, feeling tired of the disrespect. Tubbo only smiles wider.

"Oh, of course, my bad. Have fun being all sad and stuff! I can't wait for dinner tonight, yeah? You'll be there?" Before I can answer, the blonde skips off humming an eery tune. I'm caught slightly off guard by the strange exchange, but even more so by the words.

I thought Tubbo had at least a bit more sense than the other two, but it seems he's just as delusional and insane. Not a good look on you there, pal.

I scoff. The day has only just started and everything is going great.

Another hour passes with me watching Wilbur by the portal, praying for an opening but receiving none. I've never felt this hopeless since her. Thinking about it makes everything so much worse than it already is. I hope this ends with a happy ending for me, rather than last time. Otherwise, I may scream.

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