#18~A Ray of Hope~

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A/N: Okay, okay... Last chapter was me just having a bit of fun and playing with your emotions. ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° 

Sorry not sorry.

But, now things get serious again.


I'm getting tired of being tired. So tired in fact, that sleeping on the floor wasn't so bad. It was quite a shock when I did wake up on hard wood downstairs, but remembering that crazy night and how I fainted... I just went back to sleep.

Now I'm awake and doing little to nothing like the last three days. Makes me wonder why I'm even still here to begin with. I could easily run away and rebuild a home of my own in a foreign place, but it must be because of the portal I choose to stay. That portal is the closest thing I have to Technoblade. I can't run away from my problems, but face them.

I pace around my house a bit, and then I decide to do some more chest organizing.

I hate organizing my chests.

For the seventh time.

In two hours.

Life sucks.

I realize I had misplaced some of my netherite tools from the last organization. Must of been due to my sleep deprivation.

I throw them all into my inventory and move to the other side of the room to the chest marked "Tools." When the axe and sword are in place, I stop halfway with the pick in hand. Something about the sight of the shimmering purple excavator sparks an idea.

The other three Players would notice if I waltzed out in the mine's direction with a pickaxe, and stealing back the obsidian is completely out of the question and simply stupid.... So why not make my own mine? In a place where they want me?

I'll just dig a hole in my house to look for caves with obsidian up for grabs.

"Sounds easy enough," I chuckle enthusiastically, feeling a sense of hope and happiness return to me. I put the netherite pick back in my inventory and pull back out the sword as well from the chest. A grab a load of food, and equip some armour in case of enemies, then lastly grab a stack of torches.

I almost feel like I'm back to my old self with this new driving purpose in mind.

"Where to dig, where to dig..." I mutter. Somewhere far from the door and any windows to make it extra concealed. I settle on a spot near the stairs and dig up the wood floor. I begin mining stairs down, placing torches as I go.

After the initial dirt, I consistantly hit stone and the occasional annoyance of any other block besides stone. Andesite, diorite, granite, and worst of all; gravel. I hate gravel.

It feels like hours until I soon reach an opening in the ground. A cave no larger than the first floor of my house. Not that big. A lone fall of water sprouts out from the wall two blocks up and spreads a small pool of water across half the cave. Some coal decorates the far wall. Nothing of importance.

I sigh and continue the stair-like mine. I go for another ten blocks down before breaking through to another cave. This one looks more promising with two tunnels running off in opposite directions from where I am; me being in the center of technically one tunnel, but having to choose left or right.

I choose left and descend into darkness, placing torches on the right side for a means of lighting and to maintain my bearings.

Iron comes and goes, along with many veins of coal. Not important right now. I bite my lip in frustration when I reach a dead end. From there, I turn on my heels and head back, passing my tunnel opening to the other side.

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