#10~Technoblade's Past~

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TW; Self-harm, Abuse (physical, mental, emotional, verbal)

Also, this will be very long, because I want to compress it all into only one chapter.
{Aheh...Past me, the last few chapters are almost twice as long as this.}

My legs burn and beg for rest, but I can't afford to stop now. I breath out heavily with sweat pouring down my bare chest, face and limbs. The steady beat of my bare feet lull my mind into a daze that allows me to push on.

"There it is! Don't allow that monster to escape!" a malicious, demanding voice shouts out to the others. I glance back, but quickly regret it upon noticing an angry mob (not to be confused with Minecraft "mobs") in hot pursuit of me. A high squeal of anxious fear rings out loud from my bruised lips throughout the forest, and I pick up speed.

Why do I have to be like this?

A tornado of emotions flurry in my fragile heart. Each one brings agony to the memories I hold and the sinister thoughts of what may come.

Why didn't I just die at birth like the worthless, scummy brat I am.

An arrow whistles past my ear and pierces the ground a few feet ahead of me. I flinch and cry out in surprise. The attempted assault doesn't end there as more deadly projectiles twirl through the hazy air.

I don't deserve life.

A couple hot tears slip from my eyes and trail down my bloody cheeks. The pain in my chest is so strong that I don't know whether to cry, laugh, or both. Maybe even cut open my arms and bleed to death to make amends.

But, even so, I run. My legs move, though my brain says stop and let them kill me.

I want to die.

But, deep down, I want to live.

Because, I'm afraid of death. I've seen it with my own young eyes, and would never wish it upon myself.

"Get back here, bastard!"


"Dirty beast!"

"Ugly brute!"

I sniff and hold back the waterworks. A sudden pain within me causes blood to be coughed up, and my head grows light. No matter the unbearable pain - both physical and emotional - I don't stop pushing forward on small, weary legs.

"Just drop dead already!"

"No one will ever be at peace knowing a vile creature like you lives!"

"Ew, kill it already!"

"STOP IT!! SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UUUP!!" I scream and cry. My chest quivers painfully. I take another risky check behind me, and in doing so a large tree root snags my bare foot, catching me off guard.

I tumble forward and slide to a stop right before a sheer cliff. The drop would surely kill me, and even if I were to miraculously survive, the lava there still provides that one-way ticket to heaven - or h*ll in my case I suppose.

"We've got you trapped now," a voice sneers.

"Nowhere to run, little piggy," another adds with a vicious growl. I slowly turn around and breath in a shaky gasp at the sight of the angry piglins towering above me. Their weapons glow threateningly in the firelight.

"P-please... I don't wanna die.." I wimper out, and my body shakes and shudders in response.

"Stop 'yer useless crying, demon!" A female piglin steps forward and raises up her axe to take a lethal swing. I try to roll to the side and avoid it, but it was too slow. I scream in pain when my shoulder is sliced to bone by the golden blade. Snickers and snorts of approval are caught from the large tribe standing and watching.

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