#19~Beyond the Lake~

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I preoccupy myself until the time comes. The sun switches off with the moon and the day grows dark and chilly.

It's time...

I grab my gear, along with the obsidian block and a fire resistance potion just in case. Slowly, I step out from the comfort of my home and glance around the quiet clearing. Distant chatter from one of the houses has me guessing Tubbo's doing what he said he'd do. Giving me the time I need to escape before getting caught.

I grin and speed walk to the portal, dodging and slashing monsters as I go. A skeleton shoots towards me, but I quickly duck and shoot back with my own bow. {Those sentences rhyme. ;') }

With the interdimensional gateway towering before me, I make swift work of filling in the empty space with the black rock. I pull out the flint and steel and light ablaze the purple vortex. The structure whirrs to life; a steady, distorted song breaking the night's tranquility.

This is it! I get to see him again! Maybe for good.

Surprisingly, I can feel the nerves fluttering to life and growing in my stomach. Imagining his calm expression, brawny physique, and deep voice sparks fires in my gut, making it queasy and uncomfortable.

I take even breaths to calm the storm brewing inside me and finally step onto the black blocks, feeling and hearing everything yet nothing, the purple pulling me off into another world.


I gasp and tumble forward. It's been a while since I've done that, so my body wasn't quite prepared. I stagger forwards and lean my hands on my knees.

"Gah, stop spinning!" I call out to my surroundings uselessly. My eyes soon focus and adjust, as well as my body gaining it's bearings once again. Feeling better and in control, I take a look around.

It's felt like forever...

The heat is no surprise and I subconsciously wipe my brow. I sense no other entities around me, and none for quite a distance. Taking in the view of the chasm doesn't help either. All I hear is crackling fire and the portal. A chill crawls up my spine, tickling the small hairs along my back and neck.

An urge to get somewhere less open causes me to begin walking in the direction of the bridges towards the hidden warped forest. On the way, only a couple blocks from the portal, my foot steps on something soft and warm.

Shocked, I spring back with said foot raised above the ground. I look down to see what I stepped on. Seeing as the colour is similar to the netherrack flooring, and the lighting isn't so bright in these parts of the Nether, I crouch down for a better view.

f*ck no....

Feeling as if my nightmare's come to life, I look away. Then I look back.

It's still there. Please be fake.

A wave of nausea hits me suddenly and I immediately bring a hand up to my forehead, rubbing it soothingly. Meanwhile, my eyes are closed and I focus hard on controlling my breathing.

I decide to just accept it. Once the pain in my head and stomach calm down, I open my eyes to look back once again. Something happened, but not in the way I believe it to be. I need to forget that silly nightmare and face reality.

I lean down and gently pick up the heavily torn and bloody red robe. The white fluff is dirtied gray and most has been ripped off, scattered around the scene of the crime.

I swear if you died on me..

I swallow down my panic and take in a deep breath, before then transitioning into a coughing fit from inhaling too much smoke and ash.

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