#26~Vibrant Eyes~

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Sequel Chapter 2/4


The path is windy, but a joy to walk along nonetheless deep into the birch forest. Tubbo smiles softly at his surroundings, feeling at ease and looking forward to reaching his bee haven.

Wild animals roam among the black-spotted trees, of which the pale green leaves sway in the light breeze. Today is the perfect day for collecting sweet honey, believe me.
(I love rhyming..)


I stride down the path while humming a wordless melody. In the far distance, I can make out parts of the glass between birch trunks.

In the last few days, I worked hard to build a somewhat large, glass dome in the forest. A safe place for me to grow my wonderful bee farm. Lots of flowers litter the grassy inside, as well as in hanging pots by use of chains under the lower juts of glass in the dome. Rows upon rows of beehives neatly line the flat parts of the dome.

I reach the structure and step inside by use of two fence gates on top of each other. Immediately, I'm welcomed by the sweet buzzing of the lively bees. I grin and walk to one of the two nearby chest. Inside are stacks of empty bottles, along with a few pairs of shears. I grab a few bottles and make my way to the first row of hives.

Gently, I lift off the lid of one to then dip the bottle into the delicious gathering of honey. The bees don't take mind to my action and buzz passively around my figure.

In less than an hour, all the hives have been collected for their honey. I take a moment to rest on a bench, watching the busy workers dance about in the air. I sigh in satisfaction, swinging my legs like scissors in a constant rhythm.

The air grows colder as the sun dips closer to the horizon. I lightly pet a fluffy bee that drifts near me before standing to leave for home. Technoblade and Philza have recently adopted a piglin child, and I've been looking forward to hanging out with her and Tommy.

When exiting the glass dome, something in the shadow of the trees catches my attention. A soft, purple glow of two orbs surrounded by darkness. I'm taken aback by the strange sight, but once I blink, they're gone.

I must be losing my mind.

I laugh aloud to cover up my uneasiness, beginning to walk down the sickly yellow, dirt path.

Home comes into view, and I sprint over to the oblivious Tommy-boy. Right before collision, I pounce onto the blonde and knock the both of us to the ground.

"Hi, Tommy!" I shout as we wrestle on the grass. He shoves me off and ruffles my hair.

"Aaaaayyy, Tubbo!" He barks a laugh and punches my arm playfully. I stand and dust the dirt specks from off my clothing. When Tommy reaches out a hand to be helped up, I respond by sticking out my tongue and walking away.

"Hey!" the boy shouts in irritation. I chuckle and turn to snottily wave goodbye at him. He huffs and stands, preparing to chase me down.

Oh, crap!

I yelp and turn running. Tommy speeds after me with a devilish grin.

"Get back here, you f*cking piece of sh*t!"

I scream and sprint faster.

"What the f-" Phil begins while stepping into my path from his house. We collide and tumble to the ground. I stand quickly in a daze before slumping backwards, only to be caught in Technoblade's open arms.

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