#27~Ruffled Feathers~

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Sequel Chapter 3/4


{Thought I'd mention that this chapter gets a little more 'involved' than other times. Definitely no s*x, but it's something. Just felt my story's been lacking the lovey part.}

{I put a ☆ for when the thing starts and ends.}

{{I am so ashamed....Enjoy??..}}



I sigh and roll over on the bed, shuffling around to get more comfortable in the piglin's strong hold with my back to him. His even breath warms my neck, and a small snort escapes him. I smile and twist my head slightly to peck his forehead softly with my lips.

"Hmm..." Technoblade grumbles, the deep vibration tickling my skin in contact with his neck. I scooch back over to face his chest, snuggling closer with my arms wrapping perfectly in place to capture his larger frame. When I glance up, my gaze is met with half-lidded, crimson eyes.

"Morning, Tec-boo," I mutter with a small chuckle and grin. Techno leans in to place his lips on mine, awakening my mind more than ever from it's sluggish state. When he pulls back, I cover apart of my face with my hand to hide the blush.

"Morning, Cuteza," the hybrid mutters back with a smirk, reaching out to pet my frizzy hair.

"Jerk," I respond playfully with a redder face, and I shove his hand off my head. Then, I attempt to leave. I twist and turn, push and pry, but the piglin is too strong for his own good. I pause to breath heavily for air, feeling incredibly hungry. Techno watches with an amused expression.

"Mate, would you just," I hold my tongue to try and free myself once more with all my strength, but give up again, "Let me go, yeah?" When the hybrid doesn't respond - besides a muffled giggle - I use my secret weapon.

Without warning, I fling open my wings as far as they will go, causing Technoblade to jolt in surprise and release me in his escape to avoid the flailing appendages. I cry out victoriously, shooting my fisted hands into the air as the piglin falls backwards off the bed with a loud thump.

I peak over the edge slyly, Techno giving me the middle finger in response.

"Dada! Papa!" The door to our bedroom bursts open with little Adelaide stumbling in. She rushes over and collides with Techno's body on the ground, his legs rested up against the bed and his back to the floor.

"Papa," Adelaide says again, poking the hybrid's cheek a few times before reaching out to hug his face with her small arms. I giggle at the cute sight. Techno throws me an unimpressed stare, but the look is less so intimidating with squashed cheeks and a smiling child plastered to one side of his face.

"Alright, that's enough, child," he grumbles while heaving himself onto his feet. In doing so, the hybrid also scoops up Adelaide into his arms.

"I'm famished, c'mon," I exclaim and head for the door to the stairs, rushing down towards the kitchen. Techno follows close behind with our daughter in a strong hold, bouncing her every so often, to which she responds with a soft squeak.

"What about some stew, Adel? Do you like stew?"

My lover translates as the child rambles in oinks and snorts.

"She doesn't mind," he informs, summarizing the few sentences into one. I smile and grab mushrooms and a bowl from a chest, throwing them together into the crafting table.

"Careful not to spill," I remind Adelaide while handing her the warm bowl. Techno props her up on the stone counter to peacefully slurp away at her breakfast.

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