#22~Philza's Past~

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A/N: Short interruption! This'll be long since there's a lot to cover.
With Techno's past, the majority of it was just him surviving on his own in the Nether, while Philza jumped around from place to place, problem to problem.
With that explained; enjoy! ( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )

(AAAHHHH It's done! 7023 words, the longest chapter thus far! I am so, so sorry for the wait-)

TW; Angsty birdboy past (blood, blood, more blood, hurtful words, blood, sad)

**** = Time-skip

It's hard when people don't accept you for who you are.

I know that feeling...

....All too well.

This goes as far back as when I first came into this world.

In those days I always wondered if that was a blessing or a punishment.

Guess I'll find out the answer to that in the future. How far ahead? Who's to know....


## Years Ago...

The rain drums upon the soaked earth in buckets, and the trees sway dangerously from side to side as the howling wind rushes by. The foreign clothes I wear upon my small body are cold and wet, plastered to my skin as if it were apart of me.

My calm, blue eyes gleam through the stream of water cascading down my face. I blink a few times, taking in my surroundings, before then gazing up at the cloudy sky with a blank expression.

Where am I?

A boom of thunder and a bright light flash in the night, eerily illuminating everything around me for a brief moment, until I'm once again left in the dark.

The last thing I remember was a light similar to that splitting the sky, but much brighter; and I was warm, very warm. Then, it all was gone, and I opened up my eyes to see this forest and feel the rain.

Who am I?

I take my first shaky step forwards, then another, and another. The blades of grass tickle my toes from over the sandals upon my feet. I wander aimlessly through the forest, the rain and thunder drowning out my scattered thoughts.

For a while I feel empty, lost and hopeless. Nothing new ever changes around me. I keep walking, but there's only trees and miserable rain dampening both myself and my mood.

I sneeze and sniffle, wrapping my arms around myself as I shiver. I come across a rather large tree and decide to sit down and rest my weary legs. I've been wandering for far too long, and I'm beginning to feel drowsy.

There I sit, shivering and sneezing with my knees to my chest. The rain shows no signs of stopping as it pelts my head, dripping down my face and neck. I gaze forwards blankly, patiently waiting for something new to happen.

Lightning splits the sky and reveals a shadow moving towards me from many blocks away. I blink, and the shadow's gone with the light. I blame my mind for playing tricks on me and continue to stare off at nothing particular out in the violent elements.

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