#13~Trouble Brewing~

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A/N: Sorry for the interruption! I just wanted to say thank you to the few people who shared their love and support towards me and this book, either recently or since the very beginning.
I love to write, and to have my writing recognized and cherished for what it is fills me with so much joy! So, thank you! (^w^)♡

Steam blankets the crimson ground like fog, hissing from the bubbling lake of orange and yellow. A few loud snorts and coughs echo from the gathered group of shadowed figures, caused from ash building up in the atmosphere.

"Are you sure it wasn't just the heat messing with 'yer head, Aylott?" a gruff voice huffs out and glares at the rigid beast before him. Said beast glares back and vigorously shakes their head.

"So, the disgusting swine is really still alive, eh? And with a Player no less. You'd think he'd learn after that incident years ago." The one speaking stands from his crouched position, bearing a shimmering golden axe. His black rags sway in the hazy breeze, the large gold pieces reflecting a blinding light from the lava and fire all around.

"What should we do about it, Skane?" a voice from the back shouts out, before getting wacked in the head for their sudden outburst. The one dressed in black called Skane only chuckles darkly.

"What else?" he scoffs. "We find that mistake and kill it! Along with that snotty Player pet it's got." The crowd before the brute all cheer with raised axes. Their pink fur dirtied from the rough environment and a hungry glimmer shines in their bloodthirsty, wild eyes.

"Aylott, Boartle, Blitzkrieg." The owners of said names straighten in attention. They were the only ones in the area who obtain both armour and weapon fully enchanted, so, therefore, were granted the honour of being tribe leaders. "Gather up our brothers and sisters," Skane commands with a slowly growing grin full of gritty malice.

"We're going hunting." A deep, wicked laugh bellows out from the beast's throat. Others follow lead, each with a laugh just as mean and dark.


A sudden shiver chills my spine, and the hairs on my neck and arms stand up straight. I rub the back of my neck and glance around anxiously.

I've never felt something as strange and cold as that before. What could it mean?..

"Uuuuh, you good there, Phil?" I quickly turn and look at who said that, but sigh when it's just Tommy. "You look like you saw a ghost," he chuckles. I smile awkwardly and shuffle my feet a bit, taking another short glance around.

"I'm fine, just a bit cold," I lie and pretend to shiver with my arms wrapped around myself, to make it seem more believable. This earns me a leather coat being thrown on my face. "Thanks?.."

"No problem, mate," Wilbur replies.

As you can guess, we aren't in the Nether. Otherwise, no one would buy into my little story of being "cold." The boys really wanted cookies, but we ran out of cocoa beans since an annoying creeper blew up part of the farm. So, here we are, in the middle of a bunch of trees and vines and squawking parrots, as the sun slowly sets below the horizon, looking for the source of chocolate to make....cookies. I just want to say that this was not my idea.

"Look! I made a new friend!" Tubbo shouts and points to the colourful bird perched on his shoulder.

"Whoa! I want one too! Gimme!" Tommy rips the seeds out of Tubbo's hands and races off through the darkening jungle.

"Tommy! We should stick together! come back!" Wilbur yells out uselessly. "Oh, brother.." he sighs. I chuckle and collect some seeds of my own.

Tubbo giggles darkly in the background, standing admist a small army of parrots. Wilbur sweatdrops and subtly sidesteps away from the crazy child.

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