#20~For You.....~

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₊·*◟(⌯ˇ- ˇ⌯)◜‧*・

And sorry for the long wait. I decided to have a bit- a LOT of down time. I've been feeling very lazy since Summer Vacation began, but aren't we all?

Heh. Enjoy this extra long chapter just for being so very patient~~

The dark structure looms ominously before me, cloaked by an orange haze of heat from the surrounding lava. Distant oinks and snorts echo from the dimly lit labyrinth within, reminding me of the danger lurking so very close by.

Many holes reveal parts of the Bastian Remnant closer to the top. Inside, I can clearly see the many piglins hustling about doing whatever the f*ck piglins do when they're not trying to kill someone, particulary me. Even a couple chests are visible from where I'm standing. Parts of the structure are incased in netherrack, since the building itself is literally one with the fat island.

I gulp and take deep breaths, preparing myself for what I know I must do. Going through the entrance would be a poor choice, considering how closely guarded it is of all places, so logically the back would be more suitible.

With the building and bridge more to my left, I decide to move towards right to get around. I want to rush, but I force myself to stay calm and controlled as to decrease the chances of any mistakes in my haste.

Soon, the black lair fades off back into the fog it materialized from. I breath a sigh once far from the keen eyes of the piglin beasts. Looking ahead, I slowly make my way around the blistering lava. The air by the lake is stifling hot and thick with ash and smoke. A few times it was too much for me and I had to cover my mouth and nose with a part of my dark green haori (jacket; look it up).

Gurgling sounds emit from the liquid. Every so often a few droplets are flung from the deadly fluid due to a popping bubble on the surface, which I narrowly avoid each time, but soon I grow the distance between me and the lava when I become too concerned for my safety. Hissing is also a loud annoyance in my ear. Lava overall is a pain. Especially when there's a lot of it.

The walk around feels longer than it should be. The silence - besides the lava - becomes more deafening than it already was. An uneasy feeling twists my gut into a knot, and I quicken my pace with a strange longing to be near the familiar piglin creatures. I must be really lonely to long for them.

Or maybe I long for a certain piglin, not piglins in general.

Now I just feel sad again. This sucks.

At long last I can once again see the dark, unnatural blocks come into view from across the lava, but since this is the back, no bridge is visible. I begin to slow my speed walking to a forced amble, gazing at the massive structure as it grows larger and clearer the closer I get.

You'd better be alive in there, Techno, or I'll kill you a second time.

Although I meant it in a joking manner, the idea of seeing his bloody corpse only brings up bad memories. My heart stops for a moment and my face pales. To bring myself back to reality I slap my cheek hard, leaving a red handprint on my face.

It's in the past, Philza. In the past.

I pause to catch my breath and continue walking. When I notice a small hill of netherrack nearby, I quickly hide behind it to conceal myself until a solid plan of getting in has been formed.

Every so often a pair of piglins will patrol along the outermost wall of the building, the easiest place to spot me from where I am. As long as I have time to rush in before that lookout pair come back around, then I'm all clear. Though, once I'm inside the protective walls, two things will become quite noticeably difficult.

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