#21~.....I'll Risk it All~

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A/N: Another long chapter! I also know the chapter afterwards will be exceptionally long, so you're welcome. (•w-)👍

For a while not a sound is heard inside the gloomy dungeon. Distant fire crackles faintly outside the walls of the prison as a reminder of where we are. The stress of being in the Nether so close to danger is beginning to weigh me down, but I have more important things to worry about than my own life. After all, even if it hurts, - a lot - I can come back. Technoblade can't.

The peaceful silence is suddenly cut short by the clinking of metal on metal. I had started to toy with the chains clasped around my boyfriend's wrists, searching for how I can release them. How long Techno has been stuck here is something I don't know, but seeing as how the chains have left horrible markings on his once perfect skin hints it's been a lot longer than a few hours.

His wrists have turned purple in some places, but the most notable injury is the ring of red marking all around where the cuffs make contact with skin. I glance up to Techno who's face has shadowed over and I bite my lip knowingly. He must've attempted to escape from the cuffs with strength and force alone, therefore rubbing raw the skin on his wrists.

I can only imagine how much it pained you to be locked up with no one there for comfort...

I hold back the growing waterworks and pause only to rub the hybrid's wrists soothingly, before returning my attention back to his restraints. All the while my lover is silent, staring ahead with occasional glances towards me.

I closely inspect the loops that connect the chains to the hard stone floor. They don't budge no matter how hard I pull on them, but it's obvious that if Techno couldn't even loosen them up, then I for sure can't simply pull them out.

Unless I have a pickaxe! Which I do.

Sparkles dance around me at the awesomely smart idea I just had, and I pull out my beautiful netherite pick. With a smug grin, I raise up the tool and bring it down with a loud crack.

The pick broke...

I frown and check my inventory to find no wood, sticks, or a frickin' crafting table. I sweat drop at the horrible lack of thought I had put into my packing for this trip.

Just my luck. I guess I have to do it the hard way..

A/N: Dang straight! I'm not going to make it that easy!! Go risk your life to make this story mildly interesting you lazy bum of a bird!

I soon come across two very small holes on the side of each cuff. Instantly I can tell a key is needed, though I was really hoping I could have found another way. I sigh and sit back on my hands.

"How long until they come back?" I ask Technoblade after a while of comfortable silence. He frowns and stares off towards the only doorway in front of him.

"I don't know. Maybe a few hours, but the constant head wounds and blacking out makes it difficult to tell time," he replies lowly with a dark expression. My eyes widen for a moment before I lower my head in shame.

"Sorry," I whisper. I know it's not my fault, but I can't help but feel responsible for his suffering.

The piglin doesn't reply, and another gap of quiet stretches out between us. Knowing I have to leave to find a key, I choose this time to spend with Techno, as well as time for planning our escape.

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