#4~Meet The Piglins~

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My body aches from both heat and constant foot travel that weighs down on me with every heavy step forward. The same goes for the other three who have gotten slower ever since the hoglin attack.

Whenever the ashy oxygen decides to invade our lungs in large quantities, a sporadic cough emits from our dry throats.

My thoughts slowly wander back to the hoglin.

How annoying that creature was. Can't use shields and melee attacks are difficult if we can't get too close. It's freakishly strong.

I take a peak in my inventory.

Crossbows will do. Can't be too close, so instead strike from up high.


My mind and body come to a screeching hault, and I frantically pull out the journal.

"Uhh, you good there, Philza?" Tubbo asks with a slight uprise in his voice. I quickly flip to the page about the piglins and thoroughly scan the words.

"Piglin - Tusked pigs wearing tattered cloths and a gold embellished belt.
They carry a gold sword or a crossbow, possibly for the herds of hoglin {see next page} that roam the fungi forests, and sometimes wear normal or enchanted pieces of armour."

"Ah, f*ck. We may or may not be screwed.." I sweatdrop in slight panic as I read over a certain word that could possibly be our undoing.

"Phil?" I look up from the book and chuckle awkwardly. The ground begins to tremble causing small rocks to tumble down the walls, and the tree vines quiver from the force. The trio of idiots look around in surprise.

"We need to get above the ground now." I demand firmly, holding back the urge to laugh it off like we aren't about to die. They waste no time to second guess me and pull out blocks to reach the trees, the ground trembling more. I look back over the words once more.

"-They carry a gold sword or a crossbow, possibly for the herds of hoglin {see next page} that roam the fungi forests-"


I knew it was strange. Just a lone animal roaming the woods like that. It's now so clearly unnatural! So many animals travel in groups, so what would make Nether creatures any different!?

I bolt towards the nearest tree and build up as fast as I can.

"Here they cooome!!" I call out right as three large hoglins charge into the clearing. What caught us all off guard though, were the little pig-like critters riding on the backs of two hogs.

"Aww! Baby whatchamacall'em's! How cute!" Tubbo gushes.

"Not the time, tubbo!" Tommy responds and barks a laugh at his silly friend.

"Crossbows! Get'em out! It's the best tactic to beat these annoying pests!" I order. Two of the three pull out and load enchanted crossbows pointed at the incoming beasts, while a certain british loudmouth searches his inventory for an unnecessarily long amount of time.

"Uh, I seem to have misplaced it," he says with an embarrassed grin. We all stare blankly at him.

"Anyways, there here, so do we attack?" Tubbo asks impatiently. I nod and the three of us begin firing, while Tommy grumbles in the background. Most of our shots are dead on point, and two hogs fall in a puff of smoke.

The little piglin riding one of them jumps up from the ground and runs forward with a high pitched battle cry, raising up a harmless stick like a mighty sword.

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