#12~What Could Go Wrong?~

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I sneak over to the portal and step through, leaving behind the cool, night air. I know I'm going back very soon, so I won't miss the wonderfully clean air of the Overworld.

Hazy heat greets me on the other side, as well as a vicious face of an enemy piglin.

"AHh-Oh my gosh! Piglin!" I jump away from the purple vortex and draw my sword.

"Whoa! Hey! It's just me!" the piglin says frantically. I take a closer look at the "enemy" Nether beast and breath out an embarrassed sigh at the realization.

"Heh, sorry, mate." I rub the back of my neck and chuckle awkwardly.

"Nah, it's good," Technoblade assures.

"You ready?" I ask to redirect the conversation away from my mistake. He nods hesitantly, and I take his hand in my own to lead him towards the portal. The piglin jumps a bit from the sudden contact, but doesn't move against it.

We stand in the Nether portal, letting the blinding purple and blaring sounds send us off to my home dimension.

The noises fade off, and the both of us step out a bit dizzy-like.

"No wonder you look so worn when you exit that portal thing. Stupid world is spinning..." Techno stumbles to his knees before shaking it away and standing back up.

The cold wind combs through his dirty, pink fur and billows up his gown and still intact braid. His crimson eyes glow in wonder as he gazes keenly out at the dark world, paying no mind to the undead roaming about sluggishly.

"It's been a while.." he whispers in awe.

"Believe me, it looks a lot better in the daylight without violent mobs," I giggle with a hand brushing through my blonde locks.

"Come!" I drag Technoblade off in the direction of my two-story abode, but he gets irritated with that and pulls away from my steel grip.

"I can walk myself, thank you very much," he speaks sassily. I just smile and continue to lead the way.

A quartet of zombies block our path, along with an annoying duo of skeletons, but my piglin guest easily slices them up with his axe and they pop into smoke. The way his eyes gleamed at the bloodshed has me kind of worried...But it's Technoblade, so who cares about his bloodlust!

"This your house? It's big!" he exclaims beside me.

"Eh, it's not bad." I shrug, and I let us inside. The whole way in, Techno grazes his fingers along each block we pass, unfamiliar with some of them.

"What's this?" he pokes a block with the weird looks of a honeycomb.

"A redstone lamp," I respond whilst flipping the switch near it. The light blazes on, and the hybrid jumps back with a start.

"AAH! I've gone blind!" he shouts childishly with his eyes covered. I'd laugh at his minor suffering if he wasn't so loud about it.

"Shhh! Shut up. Too loud," I whisper firmly. He goes quiet, and I walk around to turn some other lights on.

"So, this is my house," I say slowly and raise my arms in a revealing gesture. Techno wanders a bit, before then deciding to adventure the upstairs. I follow quietly to make sure he doesn't break or steal something.

I thought he said he's visited the Overworld before. So, why is he so fascinated with wood planks? Along with many others...

I muse with a sweatdrop upon the side of my head and a poker face.

"PHILZA!" a voice screams from right frickin' beside me.

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