#24~A Twist of Fate~

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TW: Blood {for the Blood God}

The battlefield is dead silent except for the low crackle and bubbling of sparse fire and the ravine of lava far below. The heat moistens my strained forehead as I wait in anticipation for the duel to begin.

"Fight!" The lone piglin cries before scrambling back into the surrounding crowd and out of harms way.

I huff out a warm breath and fix my fingering around the handle of my netherite axe. Skane narrows his eyes.

Neither of us move.

I watch carefully for any slight twitches along the brute's massive build, calculating the possibilities and counterattacks on my part.


Technoblade and the piglin brute just stand there, sizing each other up. I begin to grow impatient, desperate for this scuffle to be done and over with. My body aches; my wings twitching to be free from the rough hold around them. The pigs really aren't letting up anytime soon.

You can do it, Techno. I believe in you.

I glare determinedly in the direction of my lover's opponent. The size and power radiating off the beast suddenly wavers my steady expression. I subtly sweatdrop as I look over the beast.

Piece of cake...


A sudden, but inconspicuous movemont of my opponent's foot forwards catches my keen eye, and I decide the time is now or never.

"RAAAGH!" I yell and charge forwards with my axe raised, staying low to the ground as a way to move faster and more precise. The crowd begins to squeal and cheer when the action commences.

Skane still has not moved as I sprint closer. The soul sand beneath my feet does little to nothing to slow my tremendous approach. Without friction holding me back, I dash madly across the many blocks between me and Skane. I thank my piglin and Player genes. Perhaps being a well developed hybrid, I have more perks than I realize.

Right before collision, the brute suddenly leaps to the side, and I skid to a startled hault, falling flat onto my face with my legs flying in the air to then crash downwards. I didn't mean to do that... The brown sand's friction finally caught up to me. I blame my piglin and Player genes. Perhaps being a hybrid f*cking sucks.

The piglins laugh at my utter failure to both strike Skane and come to a professional stop on my feet when missing. I quickly stand with my face red in embarrassment, dusting sand from my clothes. I had no idea someone of Skane's size could move so fast, but now that I know, I can add such speed to my calculations and not make such a mistake again. Sweat drips down my chin, and I intake a smoky breath, releasing it slowly and repeating to calm my meddling nerves.

The brute snickers and smirks down on me. I growl and rush forwards once more. When Skane raises his large axe to strike, I change directions in an instance, curving around the beast to get behind him, still staying low before leaping into the air. The crowd 'oo's and 'ah's at my flexibility and speed. Skane stands still for a moment of bewilderment before spinning to just barely catch my axe head on his hilt as I swing down. A gust of hot air blasts out from the impact.

I struggle against the beast's strength before pulling back to fall to the ground, and I bound backwards out of reach.

The Players watching from the sidelines gape at the sudden display of power. The one with the beanie absently reaches over to shut the open jaw of the wide-eyed blonde. The Tubbo boy gapes in admiration, his eyes sparkling.

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