#15~The Secret is Out~

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I pull out my compass and spend some time figuring out which way is which. I startle Technoblade when I abruptly point in a direction right by his face. He sweatdrops as he carefully shuffles away from my stiff finger.

"Uh, what are y-"

"That way is where the red needle on the compass is pointing," I interrupt him, still gazing intently at the metal device.

"...So?..." the piglin asks hesitantly. I give him a look and he clamps his mouth shut, pretending to zip it closed and throw away the key.

"That's where I was "born" into this world. Unlike the natural mobs, Players don't procreate. So, for me, the needle points towards east - the direction of the mountains and ocean. Which means-" I pause and slowly turn south, so the needle is pointing left of it's original position. "-We go south, and that will hopefully guide us out of the jungle and towards home."

I begin to walk a few blocks, but when no other footsteps can be heard following, I stop and turn around to face Techno confused. He just stands there with a gaping mouth and eyes wide with sparkles. His positive aura emanates admiration.

I chuckle awkwardly while rubbing the back of my neck and blushing with embarrassment.

"It really isn't that impressive," I say modestly. My words are ignored by the hybrid as he seems to vibrate with pride for being blessed with such a boyfriend. I almost feel like he's about to drop to his knees and bow to me like some god.

I literally just used a compass and talked about directions. What the f*ck is going on!?

To think I thought it was hard to impress Technoblade. I guess using simple mechanisms of the Overworld is a quick way to capture his attention. A bit too much to say the least...

I'm still learning more about him, even though we've been together for a while now.

"Um, yeah, shall we go, mate?" I ask Techno. He shakes himself out of his current state and follows me as I guide us towards my home and the portal. During which journey, I had to get some help from my boyfriend when things like a huge ravine and large walls of dirt and leaves blocked our path. To be carried in his arms once again was both thrilling and also sort of demeaning.

The night grows closer to an end the longer it takes us to reach even just the end of the jungle. After that is a long trek across the plains before our destination.

"Crap, we're not going to make it before daytime," I panic.

"Does it have to be at night, Philza?"

"YES!" I shout. Techno sweatdrops and continues running forwards by my side. For the whole time I've kept a steady eye on the compass. Without it we may have never gotten out of the jungle, so I have no idea how Tommy did when he was so reckless from the start.

Finally, we reach the river separating the jungle and the plains biome. Technoblade moves in an attempt to throw me over like back in the Nether, but due to that horrible memory I dodge his arms and dive into the water without hesitation. From there I swim swiftly across and gasp for air upon reaching the sandy shoreline. I look up to see Techno looming above me.

"How did you get across so fast!?" He only grins and begins to walk away whistling. I grumble and struggle to stand and chase after him.

The sky slowly grows brighter and brighter from the square source rising to our left. Should we wait for nightfall before going any further, or instead risk my lover's escape in broad daylight? Logic says wait, but a guilty side of me says as soon as possible, because I don't want my friends to worry too much longer. I already know the reaction I'll get from them and anxiously prepare for the many difficult questions.

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