#8~Keeping a Secret, Returning~

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^^I've officially given up on pictures. They're a pain to add once the book gets too long. :/

"Come back later," why'd I say that? Why would I go back to that piglin?

I just met the guy...

The purple slowly fades, which leaves me in a daze coming out back into the Overworld, my home. The cool feeling of the clean spring breeze never gets old when leaving behind an ash-filled atmosphere.

Anyways, now to make my grand escape so they don't see me...

I shake away the nausea and make a quick - but quiet - scurry towards my house.

"Philza?" I freeze in place and turn to spot Tubbo watching me from a few feet away.

Tubbo's a good guy. Maybe I can convince him to keep his mouth shut.

"Hey, Wilbur! Tommy! I found Philza!" Tubbo cups his hands over his mouth to project his voice to the other two still searching, the sound reverberating off the distant mountains. I mentally facepalm and prepare myself for a volley of questions.

Tommy is the first one over, followed by a slower Tubbo and a close behind Wilbur.

"Where've you been!?" Wilbur asks frantically, but takes some breaths to calm down. "We spent all morning looking for you when you never left your house." He slides his fingers anxiously through his brown hair.

"I thought you were dead," Tommy announces bluntly, with a complete poker face. I blink once. I blink twice. Wilbur wacks the child upside the head. Tubbo giggles.

"So did I!" he adds with a big grin.

"That's not something to joke about!" Wilbur shouts with a bit of laughter mixed in and lightly punches tubbo's arm. The bee lover retaliates with a kick to the shin.

"Hey! I didn't hit you that hard, stupid!" Wil punches Tubbo hard in the arm.

"How dare you hurt Tubbo!" Tommy yells. "Join me and we will take him down together! Team work makes the dream work!" Tommy cries out defiantly. The two younger boys pounce on poor Wilbur and knock him to the ground.

"Get off me you little gremlins!" He squirms under their hold, kicking the air in doing so. I just stand off to the side, laughing my a*s off. Finally, Wilbur boosts off Tommy and Tubbo from above him with a booming war cry, pumping his clenched fists to the sky.

"OWWW! Wilbur, what the f*ck!?"

"That's your fault for attacking me so unfairly, not mine, doofus!"

"Alright, calm down you guys," I interrupt while trying to control my giggles. I hope this little off-topic squabble distracts them from any former questions.

The blondies stand up from the grass and dust off their dirty legs and tushes, then take their original spots on either side of beanie boy.

"Well, anyways, I have some, stuff, to do in my house, and I'm really hungry, so-" I turn to leave, but then Wilbur speaks up,

"Wait, you never told us where you were all this time." I pause and turn back towards them.

Dang it

"Uh.. I-"

"I saw him come out of the portal," Tubbo cuts in abruptly.


"The portal?" Tommy repeats.

"Look! I, um, I just wanted to explore a bit is all!" I reason.

"Without us?" Tubbo deflates a bit.

"NO!- Well, yeah, but, it's really not a big deal!" I attempt to excuse it off as nothing. The other three don't look convinced, but decide to just drop it, seeing as they'll get nowhere with how stubborn I can be sometimes.

I sigh when the trio walk off to do their own things, glancing back at me every so often, as if I may disappear again.

Quietly, I saunter over to my house and slide down the door to a seated position once safe inside.

"Ugh, I can't believe I got away with that," I say, relieved. For a while I just sit there with my head rested back against the wood door and let my thoughts wander about today's - or last night's - events.

I still don't understand anything about that piglin. Technoblade. Who exactly is he? Why is he dressed so strange?

I know for a fact that I've decided to go back like I said I would, but when and how? The only logical time is when the others are fast asleep. I just can't stay in the Nether for too long or this scenario will happen again.

An idea pops in my head, and I scramble to my feet over to one of my many chests. After a short search, I pull out a clock and place it in my inventory.

Perfect. Now I won't lose track of time!

A/N: I know clocks don't work in the Nether, but just go with it, because I don't know any real alternatives.

I stroll upstairs to my balcony and rest both elbows on the railing. The view is incredible, and I'll honestly never get tired of it.

Far Behind me, northwest, past a long stretch of plains is a large jungle across a creek. In front, south, as well as half surrounding our small, man-made village is a birch forest. Beyond the forest is Tubbo's favourite flower field with his bee hives nearby. EVEN FURTHER beyond the field, is an oak forest near a decorated cave entrance we go to for most our mining.

To my left, east, are large mountains dotted with spruce trees, and further east is a certain village we raide- visited a few weeks ago.

That's all of what I can see. We did venture past many of these biomes, and I have a map to prove it hanging on my wall downstairs. The view gets me everytime, when I actually take the time to look that is.

"Philza! Wanna come visit my bees with me and Tommy!?" Tubbo calls from below. I look down at him and chuckle.

I'll wait until night. With this clock I should be able to make it back before they ever notice I'm gone.

"Coming!" I reply loudly and turn to run down the stairs and out the front door. Tommy is already far ahead of us, so me and Tubbo have to run to catch up.

"Bees, bees, buzzing bees~!
Get too close and they may sting!
Bees, bees, with honey so sweet~!
Steal it and eat it, a yummy treat!
Bees, bees-"

Tubbo sings a cheerful tune enthusiastically as we make our way through the birch forest. The melody is catchy, and I find myself humming along to it.

The clock ticks by slowly, but night comes quicker than I thought. The wind whistles through the trees, and the groans of zombies echo eerily in the dark.

Leaving the lights off, I grab my gear and food and softly exit the house. A creeper catches me by surprise once I step away from my cozy abode. It would have set off too, if the hissing beforehand hadn't given away it's approach. I leap away and spin my blade to cut it down in two blows.

Finally, the portal is stood in front of me. I take the final step and enter into the Nether.

The smell of ash and heat welcomes me at first contact. I take shaky steps out and lean on my drawn axe for support.

"You don't look so good there, friend." I shoot up and turn wildly to the side to be once again greeted with those ruby eyes. He smiles at me and I can't help but smile back.

"Heh, it's just the sudden change of atmosphere that effects me," I answer sheepishly. A silence soon follows that grows heavier the longer it lasts. I sweatdrop and shuffle my feet a bit.
What really unsettles me is the way Technoblade's looking at me. He's always just, watching. I guess something about me has got him puzzled for some reason. Or maybe intrigued? I can't tell.

"So," the piglin starts, breaking the silence. "What do you like to do?"

Somehow that simple question makes me smile so wide my cheeks hurt. He's funny. Awkward, but funny.

I can just feel that this is going to be a very interesting experience.

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