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Kayla's POV.

He hung up.

Wow, love you too James, nice to know I have your support.

I'm not absolutely distraught my mother's done a runner, I wasn't that bothered when my dad left, either. 

I don't often show emotion. It never seems to register in my brain. Guilt, pain, sadness, they just don't affect me. I mean, of course they're there, somewhere, I just never really feel it. If someone were to say 'Imagine someone you loved passed away' , my face would stay blank. No emotions would surface. Of course I could imagine someone dying, for instance if I thought about if James were to die, I could imagine the situation. I could imagine the pain and suffering others would feel, yet not me. I feel nothing inside. If a friend were to tell me something horrific and drastic happened to them, I feel no pity. No sadness. I'd comfort them no less, I always would - I could never not comfort someone in their moment of need - I just wouldn't feel as bad as I would ever, not even remotely as bad as if it were to happen to me. I can't help it. It's just who I am.

Maybe you're just a cold, heartless bitch.

Wouldn't surprise me.

My thought train came to a halt when the door opened. Oh, yeah, come in.

"Hello to you too James." I mumbled while getting crushed in a hug. "Yeah get off of me now. You know I'm not a hugger."

"How did you know it was me?" He inquired.

"You think I don't know when you monster of an arsehole waltzes into my home?" James was 6"3. "Plus, I highly doubt any normal burglar would hug their victims."

"The key word there, is normal." He stated.

"Yeah, yeah, so why are you here?" I asked, putting the kettle on.


"Well I mean, you just strode into my house without warning." I said, now perching on the island's counter in the middle of the kitchen. "I like to know why people just show up."

"Are you actually serious? You phone me up, tell me what you did, and wonder why I I'm here?" He said, bewildered.

"Well what are you going to do?!" I raised my voice. "Sorry. But seriously, what are you going to do? Clamber in waving your sparkly little fairy wand and make everything all rainbows and pretty unicorns? Sure." I chuckled making a coffee.  "My point is, I just want to know why exactly it is you're here. Don't get me wrong James you are a fabulous little bitch, but come on. There's not much." I smiled ruffling his hair.

"I'm moving in."


Second update whohoowoowo

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Ily ❤

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