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[This party seems to go on for a few chapters, so uh, let's just pretend that all happened really fast? Idk. Thanks :3]

Kayla's POV.

Well that was fun. It appears James has managed to find a bloke. Kyle better not be a snobby little bastard.

I'd have to talk to him later.

About 97% of the party had left or had been 'kicked out' by Will. The only people I was aware that were at least semi-conscious were Me, Will, Will's girlfriend, James, and Dan. Woody had passed out on the floor in the kitchen, and Kyle went upstairs to throw up or something and hasn't come back since, so we assumed he'd fallen asleep there.

Me and James decided we would crash here, seeing as it was dark and neither of our parents would notice. Will didn't mind, his Dad was on a business trip in Taiwan, and his mum was in Peru doing some modeling thing. Plus, the other guys seemed to just make themselves at home, so it's not like we'd be the only people there.

"Does anyone, uh, want like a glass of water or something?" I asked, throwing my arms around in the general direction of the kitchen. I received three 'yeeaghh's. Don't ask me from who, I can't be arsed to find out.

I walked into the kitchen and picked out three of the, relatively clean, yellow plastic cups and walked over to the sink, turning on a tap.

"You," a deep voice said, pausing to hiccup. "You realise that's the uh, hot water tap right? And Will's parents are the type of people to install the tap that either makes you feel like you're drinking water from the Atlantic, or singeing your fucking mouth off."

I turned around, to be met by Dan, who was stood in the doorway leaning against the frame, arms folded, one foot crossed over the other.

"Hey. I never said I liked these people, okay?" I smirked at him. "You, sure, but them, ehh." I said, scrunching my nose up slightly.

Dan scanned my face for a moment, and stepped closer. "Me. Me what?" He squinted his eyes a little.

"You. I like you, uh, a tad more than like, the other guys, and, you know, stuff." I smiled.

"You do, huh?" He questioned, inching ever so slightly closer to me, only, say, half a foot away. "You're kidding, right? I mean, the other guys have girlfriends, and, well, boyfriends, but you know. I mean, like, take Will for instance. He's like, slightly taller, more, like, muscly, less awkward, outgoing, talented, funny, problem less," What? "And, like, just look at Woody. What's not to like about him? Don't even get me started on Kyle, I mean, I known he's gay and everything, bu-"

"Oh, shut the fuck up Daniel" I told him.

He won't remember in the morning anyway. He's fucking wasted.

I closed the gap between us, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck. His eyes had slight sadness and dismay in them, but also a little spark of surprisement.

"I-" He started.

"No, No, what did I say?" I questioned

"To, uh, shut the fuck up." He stated.

"Exactly." I went up onto the tip of my toes and pulled him closer to me, interlocking my lips with his.

He stood shocked for a moment, but soon snapped back into reality wrapping his arms around my waist, moving his lips with mine.

I pulled back a couple of seconds later, and unraveled myself from him. Giving him a grin, I walked off out of the kitchen, past the living room going upstairs, leaving him stood in there dumbstruck.

Shit. I forgot the fucking water.


OhmyJesus that was super cringy. Sorry. I'm really bad at writing his stuff, okay?

And the titles. Christ. I give up on those.


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