Not An Update - Sorry

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So recently I've come to realize a lot about a lot of things, and I don't really know what to do about it anymore.

So to cut to the chase, I'm considering deleting my fanfictions, or at the very least not continuing them. (I won't be posting this on my other one - hardly anyone reads it anyway)

For a few weeks now I've been doubting myself and the things I do, why I've done them, so on and so forth. I've also had a lot of shitty occasions and events happening recently and I guess they've just darkened my mood a great deal more than it usually is and yeah, idk

Writing this doesn't brighten my thoughts like it used to. That's also why I haven't been updating lately - that and the fact I just have no fucking idea what to write. Not that they're any good anyway. But that's not the point.

It's not my final decision, but it's coming to the point where it's most likely going to happen.

If you've read this and the rest of the emu shit I've wrote you have no idea how much I appreciate that and omfg thank you so much.
I love you x

Thanks again, and uh, yeah.
Lmao I made such a big deal out of this A/N I made it sound like the end of the world Jesus Christ.
I'm glad I finished writing though, I feel like I've changed.

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