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(Like, seriously. Just ignore the titles, it's embarrassing.)

Dan's POV.

I couldn't just let her walk away. She didn't understand. She didn't know what Alice did. She didn't know who she was. She didn't know the truth. She didn't know anything.

I ran after Kayla, and saw her enter a room. I walked up to the door, but heard voices, so I knew she was in there with somebody. I decided to back off, at least until she was alone.

I sat at the end of the hall on the top of the stairs, my feet on the step just below the first.

I waited a good 10 minutes before I saw James come out of the room, and down the hall. Once he saw me, he sped up a little and went down a few steps so he was eye level with me.

"You." He pointed a finger at me. "Need to go in there and fucking sort this shit out." I could see the concern in his eyes, and how much he cared for Kayla. "She came in fucking bawling her eyes out over you, and I expect she might again. So if you don't go in there right now, I'll drag you by your skinny little ass myself." Shit. He's pretty intimidating.

"Yeah, uh, I was gonna go in, but, I heard, uh, never mind." I got up quickly, and ran a hand through my hair a few times. "She, uh, she still in there?" I asked.

"Yeah. Now leave, bruh, before she drowns." His face lightened up a little, and he turned around. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find the wasted bastard that is my boyfriend." He started going down, when I said after him, "Boyfriend? Already?"

"He doesn't know yet. I have a plan, amigo." He winked at me. "Now fuck off before I drag you." He laughed, me smiling after him.


Just a little filler, you know.

Don't forget.

Dinosaurs didn't have eyelashes.

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