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Kayla's POV.

I woke up the next day, but instead of seeing darkness like I usually do on a Saturday morning, there was a piercing beam of white streaming through the slit in the curtains. Fuck you, Jesus.

What time is it anyway? Where's my phone? I ripped the duvet off of me, and heard the loudest 'thud' known to man. Ahh. There it is. I clambered over to the side of my bed, and leant over the edge legs flailing in the air, reaching for the phone.

Only it didn't really go to plan.

I suddenly felt my face meet the carpet, and heard a little Scottish giggle coming from the other end of the room.

"You know, there's plenty of beer bottles downstairs I can beat you with James. Maybe a bottle of port if you're lucky." I murmured, my face still squashed against the carpet.

"I got needles in my house. Beat that, bitch." Oh, so sassy.

"Whatever. How did you even get in here anyway?" I questioned him, dragging myself up off of the floor. I was only in a pair of shorts and a vest, but James didn't care. He'd seen me in a worse state.

"You should really get a lock on that window. You don't know what paedophiles could get in here" He called after me, where I was now in the bathroom.

"What, you mean like you?" I smirked.

"Come on Kayla, be realistic. What gay guy pervs over teenaged girls?"

"Like I said, you." I walked out of the bathroom, after washing my face and using spray-on shampoo.  "Anyway. What is in James' magical-bag of-transformation-for-ugly-ass-niggahs?" I laughed at him.

"I don't know what bag you're talking about. But," he said, rummaging around in the florescent pink bag. " I did bring you an outfit."

He laid out a white vest, a black, baggy, fluffy jumper, a black beanie, a pair of black, high-top Converse, and high-waisted, black denim shorts.

"B-but James," I looked over at him "M-my legs, y-you, James you know wha-"

He rushed over to me, and engulfed me in a hug. "I know, I know I know. I didn't forget, you know I wouldn't." He pulled away. "And that is why, I got you these."

He ran back over to his little bag, and pulled out a pair of black tights, where, around the mid-thigh sections, were the silhouettes of the top of a cat's head, and on the back, were tails. Awh.

I squealed with excitement, and leaped over to James, wrapping my arms and legs around him. "Thank you, Jay" I said, my voice muffled by his shoulder. "So are you gonna come by before the party tomorrow? You are, right?" I asked him.

"Of course. And then we'll go, get pissed, and get our men! Well. You, anyway." I could tell the smile he was wearing was fake.

I pulled back, and kissed him on the cheek. "You'll get yours too James, you just have to wait for the right time."

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