Just As Beautiful

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(Dedicated to bad_smith bc. Awesome Cover photo ;])

Kayla's POV.

It was finally last lesson, English. Again. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dan furiously writing in his book. Out of the corner of my other eye, I saw James smirking at me, clearly noticing me gazing over at Dan. I blushed, and looked down at my hands.

Because I sat at the back, Mr.Williams never noticed me, only the smart-ass nerdy kids who sat at the front.


It was nap-time.

WhoneedstolearnaboutShakespeareinthefirstplaceanyway? He'sdead. It'sfine.

Because I was so knackered, I pretty much fell asleep straight away, with one person on my mind...

~Like, idk, 40 minuteslaterorsomething~

I awoke some time later, due to a slight shake on my arm.

"Wake up beautiful" I heard someone whisper.

"James. You know I love you, but please. Fuck off." I grumbled, not opening my eyes.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. You'll get locked in. Plus, I'm not James." He chuckled.


I lifted my head, only enough to rest it on my hand that was flat on the table, and opened my eyes, only to find the most amazing pair of eyes, the colour of the ocean right after a storm.

Whatcolouris that, mightyouask?


"Your eyes are a different colour compared to last time." I mumbled.

"Yeah? Well yours are still just as beautiful." He whispered. OhmyLordJesusChrist. Stopit. Please. I'lldie.

Just as I thought that, he got back up off of his knees and stood up, offering me a hand. Ohmy. Hecanreadminds.

"Come on then. You get a bus? You'll miss it if you don't hurry up." He winked at me. No. Daniel. Don'twink. It'stoomuch.

"I-I uh... I don't get a bus. I walk..." I still take his hand, though. Awkwardmuch? Stopbeingso embarrassing Kayla.

"O-okay then," he smiled sheepishly. "I-I guess we have all the time in the world then. Walk with me?" I saw a certain flash of hope in his eyes.Ican'tsaynotothat. WhywouldIsayno? Whointheirrightmindwouldsayno?

"U-uh. Sure. Yeah. That'd be great" I stuttered.His eyes changed colour again, to a slightly lighter blue, and he grinned. Ohmy codnuggets. Dimples. Dimples.Helpme.

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