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Dan's POV.

I barely slept that night. Not that I ever slept a lot in the first place, I guess I just slept less.

Will said the party started was at 7, and that I could come earlier 'If I just so desired'.

Because I had near enough absolutely nothing to do here, I texted Kyle to see if I could hang around with him until tonight, to which he replied he was at Will's 'sorting shit out'.

Therefore I was shit sorting too.

His house was about 30 minutes away, so I started walking now. I lived in a quiet little corner just outside of London, therefore I was pretty much well out of the way of civilization.

As I neared the address Will sent me, I could see, even from a few blocks away, a massive array of pink and purple tinsel scattered on the roof. I take it that was Kyle's idea.

I rung the doorbell, and waited. A couple of minutes later, Will opened the door. "Hey!" He said, a little enthusiastically.

"Hi. Uh. What's up with the tinsel stuff on the roof?" I asked while walking in.

"Oh. Kyle, you know. Likes to snazz things up." He said while waving his arms around.

"Where is Kyle, anyway?"

"Oh, he's in the shitter." He explained pointing down the hall. Okay then.

Just then, Kyle came out of a room and sprinted down the hall, jumping onto my back.

"DANNY!" He shouted, ruffling his hands through my hair. "Hi." He whispered.

"Hi, Kyle." I said. "Uh, you okay?" He's not usually this happy.

"Hm? Oh. Yeah. I'm fine. Just, you know, party and such. People. Games. Booze. James..." That last word barely left his mouth, so I couldn't quite hear it. Will, however, seems to have supersonic bat hearing, because he was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Oh, oh? Uh, nothing" He rushed the words while jumping off of my back, brushing invisible dirt from himself.

"Sure..." I said skeptically. Kyle ran off into the kitchen, presumably to sort out the drinks or something. Will then came over and rested a hand on my shoulder.

"He did some research. Found out a few things about a few people, and I guess he got something interesting, or, I don't know. You never really know with Kyle." He shook his head, and handed me a bag. "You can uh, hang some shitty decorations up or something. I don't know."


A couple of hours later, it got pretty dark and Kyle had turned the music on his phone up to full volume, which, connected to the speakers too, was pretty damn loud.

People started to file in, only a couple of which I knew. Woody had come an hour or so after I did, bringing his girlfriend. Will also mentioned he was bringing his girlfriend too, but that she would be a little later.

Me and Will were stood next to the door taking turns to open it, which seemed to be ringing on end.

"I didn't know you knew so many people, Will." I said.

"I don't." He smirked. "You know teenagers, they hear party, the entire fucking country comes."

The door rang yet again and Will nudged me, reminding me it was 'my turn'. I walked over to the door, which was pretty hard considering there were easy 60-70 people in the house, and opened it.

As I opened I was greeted with a foot, which was nudging some guy's face. As I looked up, I saw Kayla, and my stomach flipped maybe around 3 times.

They're not butterflies. They're motherfucking bats.

"U-uhm. Hey. Uh. Hi, c-come in." I tried to smile, but probably just ended up looking like a demented clown. Lord help me.


Okay. That was extremely bad, I'm sorry.

That was just a filler, but uh, there'll be some 'drama' soon. So. Yeah.

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